Greeting cards [PRG 337/3/1-224] • Manuscript

Greeting cards
Child and calf greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 135

Greeting cards
Pansy greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 136

Greeting cards
Angels and pansy greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 137

Greeting cards
Flowers greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 138

Greeting cards
Flowers and ribbon greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 139

Greeting cards
Flower greeting card

Greeting cards
Flower greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 140A

Greeting cards
Verso of image 140B

Greeting cards
Lace greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 141

Greeting cards
Violets greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 142

Greeting cards
Ivy greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 143

Greeting cards
Flowers greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 144

Greeting cards
Pansy greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 145

Greeting cards
Flowers greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 146

Greeting cards
Roses and scene greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 147

Greeting cards
Birds greeting card

Greeting cards
Verso of image 148