Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War [PRG 248/4/1-58] • Photograph

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Collection of photographs, most of which were taken in South Africa of the 1st South Australian Company during the South African War. The collection is part of the personal papers of Lt Col F.H. Howland of Mount Gambier, C.O. of the lst S.A. Contingent. See 'contents' for details of items.

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Departure of 1st contingent from SA to Boer War, 1899. [Photograph shows the contingent marching down King William Street. Large crowds fill the street and watch from the city buildings]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Captain F.H. Howland (4th from left), officer commanding of the 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles and members of 1st contingent from SA - Boer War 1899. [Names of the other men not known] "This carefully posed photograph was taken in the Old Exhibition Grounds to the east of Frome Road in the city, now covered by the Adelaide University and medical buildings. Here all South Australian contingents trained for anything from two to four weeks before embarkation. The OEG was ideal in two respects: it was 'fed' by a spur line of railway which crossed King William road via a tunnel and ran behind Government House through what is now the University of Adelaide; and proximity to the zoo bridge meant that later mounted units could practice squadron drills in the belt of parklands below North Adelaide. 1SAMR left as purely an infantry formation and only converted to a mounted role in January 1990 in South Africa. The contingent embarked on 2 November 1899 and this photograph was probably taken a few days earlier. The men are all kitted out in their spanking new uniforms, made at Lobethal." [Information provided by Dr. Tony Stimson, President, South Australian Boer War Association]. The soldier crouching bottom right is John Earl, North Adelaide Football Club player [Information provided by the North Adelaide Football Club History Committee]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
[Captain James Hansen, one of the original 27th Battalion Officers in 1915, previously in the pre-war 74th Infantry and before that in the Adelaide Rifles, ca.1916. Photo by an English photographer.]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Warrant Officers and Sergeants of the Australian Contingents for South Africa on Board SS Medic Nov 1899. (Nelson, the Newfoundland dog sits at the front of the group) [formerly B 56686]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Mount Gambier members of the 1st Contingent to the South African War. (Taken aboard the SS Medic) [formerly B 56689] "Seated in the middle row, left end, is Corporal James McGillivray, 50. 'Mac' as he was known, was a brilliant marksman and his courage was legendary. Returning home with 1SAMR on 20 November 1900, almost 13 months after the contingent sailed for the war, he did not stay for long. Within two months he had enlisted in the 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen for a second tour of duty. This time he was not as lucky. He was shot dead on a dawn patrol by the Rhenoster River, most likely by Johanna Geldenhuis, a 17 year old girl who was subsequently tried for murder and acquitted as no South Australian saw her fire the shot, though a rifle with a hot barrel was found in her cart. Seated next to Mac was the much respected Captain F.H. Howland, commanding officer of 1SAMR. To Howland's right, with the heavy moustache, is Lieutenant John Powell, 37, who, a few weeks later, was shot dead in what was probably a Boer white flag ruse. He had not intended to go to South Africa but was offered a lieutenancy at the last minute when Lieutenant Hay pulled out. He accepted. Powell was the first South Australian to die in this war. Klemzig was almost renamed 'Powell' in his hnour, until a revolt by the German community stopped the move. In her last months, Queen Victoria asked his mother in Mount Gambier for a portrait but by the time it arrived at Windsor she had died." [Information provided by: Dr. Tony Stimson, President, South Australian Boer War Association]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Members of the 1st Contingent to the South African War, taken aboard the SS Medic. A large dog sits at the front of the group. "This photograph was taken on the troopship SS Medic in November 1899 en route to South Africa. They are not all South Australians as the First Contingent, with 126 officers and men, sailed with only five sergeants. The other men (all sergeants) must be from other colonies. In South Africa this contingent was converted from infantry to mounted infantry and known henceforth as the 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles (1SAMR). The large dog is Nelson, a Newfoundland or St Bernard, which sailed with the contingent as its mascot, and was 'captured' by the Boers, escaped, and returned home safely. The South Australian Museum holds Nelson's skull. Lying next to him is his owner/handler Sergeant Edge." [Information provided by Dr Tony Stimson, President, South Australian Boer War Association]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Members of the 1st Contingent to the South African War, taken aboard the SS Medic. A large dog sits at the front of the group [formerly B 56685]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
A group of men, possibly members of the 1st Contingent to the South African War, kneeling together - they appear to be praying. Photo taken aboard ship

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Nelson (dog) on board the S.S. Harlich Castle, Major F.H. Howland 1st S.A. M.I., Warrant Officer J. Costello 1st Tasmanian M.I., N.S.W. Army Nurse [formerly B 56690]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Large group of men, members of the Australian contingents to South Africa, onboard ship. They may be waiting for vaccinations. Writing on the back of the photo: Dr Yoll having a vaccinated examination showing the arms that have been done. [This caption may have been meant for the next photo] [formerly B 64361]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
A man in army uniform with a rolled up sleeve showing several vaccination marks on his arm. Photo taken onboard a ship. Information provided by a researcher: "In one of the first Victorian contingents a trooper refused to be vaccinated. Thereafter the attestation form all Australians had to sign before formally being taken on for service in South Africa included a declaration to the effect that they agreed to be vaccinated."

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Group of soldiers gathered onboard a ship. The men to the right of the photo are giving a service, possibly a church service [formerly B 56688]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Group of soldiers gathered onboard a ship. They appear to be playing a game, possibly '2 Up' [Formerly B 56687]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Three men in army uniform pose for a photo aboard a ship. The men are possibly part of the SA Contingent to the South African War

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Three young men in army uniform in a humorous pose for a photo aboard a ship. They are possibly part of the SA Contingent to the South African War

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Two men pose for a photo aboard a ship. One man is wearing army uniform while the other wears a suit. They are possibly part of the SA Contingent to the South African War

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Memorial card with portrait for Wille Rust which reads: In loving memory of Wille Rust (Of the 1st and 5th S.A. Contingents). Dearly-loved Son of Edward and Rosina Rust, of Adelaide. Born at Glanville, South Australia, February 18, 1877. Died at Kroonstadt, S. Africa, May 8, 1902. [Poetry underneath not transcribed here]. Deeply Regretted

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Sergeant Grants horse being thrown overboard. The only horse that we lost. The name of him was Angus, won the Adelaide Cup

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
A ship at port - probably one of the ships which carried the Australian contingents to the South African War

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo:South Australian Contingent on the march at Enselin Camp, South Africa, 1900. Lieut. J.M. Blair, Capt. Howland, Lieut. Hapleton, Capt. Lascelles[?]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: No. 3 Section South Australian Contingent, Enselin Camp, Kopfe, South Africa, 1900

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: South Australian well diggers. Private Butuick[?], Sergt. Shwan, Private Edge, Private Noblet, Private Bothe, Regimental dog 'Nelson'

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Group of tents that make up a hospital. From the back of the photo: Hospital. Photo by J.E. Petree[?] Adelaide

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Hopkirk's Farm, South Africa. Lieut. J.W. Powell's grave

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Groups of tents lined up in a military camp. Listed on the back of the photo: N.S. Wales Infantry, Victorian Infantry, South Australian Infantry, Small arm ammunition [?], West Australian Infantry, Tasmanian Infantry

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Captain Haig of the Enniskillen [Inniskilling?] Heavy Dragoons. Playing deck billiards and is the champion

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Seven officers seated aboard a ship. From the back of the photo: Officers of Mounted Rifles

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
From the back of the photo: Christmas tea Enselin Camp, South Africa, 1899. J. Powell 3rd from left, Frank Cornish standing on right, batman to F.H.H.. F.H.H. sitting in check shirt , all ? men [formerly B 56692]

Photographs of the 1st S.A. Company during the Boer War
Men at camp in South Africa, possibly part of the first South Australian Contingent. Two young men sit on the grass, a military cart pulled by two horses is behind them