Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook [PRG 180/5] • Photograph

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Beach protected by rock formation, with two men watching a boy wading in the water

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
'A stormy camp, Lake Frome', 1900 with H.H. Tilbrook standing beside the tent

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Distant view of two men on a rocky outcrop overhanging a body of water

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
A man on a horse in Central Australia, with a lake in the distance

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
A lower reach of the Glenelg River, 1898. The man in the dinghy would be either Fred Lester or Leslie who accompanied Tilbrook on this trip

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
View along the Glenelg River, with two men in a dinghy

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
One of the Mount Gambier lakes

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Lighthouse with keepers' cottages in the foreground

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
The Valley Lake, Mount Gambier

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
A family in a buggy outside a house, with another man alongside

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Cliff face in the bush

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
View of a distant mountain

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Corset Rock near Cape Banks, with H.H. Tilbrook seated on top, 1898

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Cape Northumberland, looking north-west, 1990

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Tilbrook on a rocky beach

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Weathered rock formation

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
View of a rocky coastline

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Trig station with a man (H.H. Tilbrook?) standing beside it

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Rocky headland

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
View overlooking the Glenelg River, with the tent and two men in a dinghy in the middle distance

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Three men (H.H. Tilbrook on left) in front of a tent (see #37 for another view)

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Creek bed in the outback

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Wilpena Station with slab huts, post and rail fences and outbuildings

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Rocky bay

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Rural scene

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Rural scene overlooking a wide valley

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Lester and Leslie in a dinghy on the Glenelg River

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Rock formations

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Three women seated in the edge of a overhanging rock formation

Selected photos taken by Henry Hammond Tilbrook
Camp beside a river (Glenelg River?)