Photographs [PRG 18/56] • Photograph

Church wedding
Group of people on a carpet on the steps of a church after a wedding, location unknown.

Vickers Vimy G-EAOU
Vickers Vimy plane in a paddock. Location unknown but possibly Adelaide.

Vickers Vimy at Singora
Crowd gathered to view the Vickers Vimy at Singora, Thailand.

Vickers Vimy in Delhi
Two of the crew stand alongside the Vickers Vimy in Delhi while a third crew member is pictured in the cockpit.

'Lt. Dickson, Captain Baker, Captain Baldwin & Self'
Keith Smith with other Royal Flying Corps airmen.

Vickers Vimy G-EAOU
Very faded photograph of the Vickers Vimy plane at Northfield surrounded by a crowd of people. Caption on back reads: 'Northfield Infectious Diseases Hospital'.

BE2A plane
Distant photograph of plane landing in flat paddock. Location unknown. On back of photograph is written BE2A.

'The men who kept the engines going'
Photograph used in Sir Ross Smith's publication '14,000 miles through the air' showing Sergeant W.H. Shiers, A.F.M. (left) and Sergeant Jim Bennett, A.F.M., M.S.M. (right). Same as PRG 18/8/7.

Captain Brearley
Norman Brearley in flying gear. On back of photograph: 'Capt. Brearley D.S.O. M.C. of West. Aust. Flight Commander of "B" flight. Gosport April 1918'.

Group portrait of five airmen
Five Royal Flying Corps airmen wearing winter coats.

Royal Flying Corps air pilot
Royal Flying Corps pilot, believed to be Keith Smith, in coat and goggles.

Group of officers
A group of seven officers, location unknown.

'Self & W. Campbell of South Africa.'
On reverse of photograph: 'Self & W. Campbell of South Africa. R.F.C. Denham Camp. August 1917'. Both men are wearing caps with white bands around the base. It is believed that this shows that they are aviation officer cadets with the status of probationary pupil pilots.

Colin Smith in uniform
Colin Smith in uniform, possibly in France, holding what appears to be a fish.

Lt. Norton
Lt. Norton, in uniform, out hunting with a rifle. Photograph has been removed from an album. PRG 18/56/14 on reverse side.

Upturned plane
Biplane in paddock upturned on its roof.

'McCullen V.C. etc.'
James Thomas Byford McCudden standing in front of a plane. Hangars 2 and 3 are behind him.

Martinsyde FK4
Two men working on the front of a Martinsyde FK4 plane.

S.E.5 plane
The Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5 was a British biplane fighter aircraft of the First World War.

'In the Air'
Aerial photograph of a biplane taken through the struts of another plane.

'Self in a BE2D. Cramlington March 1918.'
Keith Smith in a BE2D plane. The Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2 was a British single-engine tractor two-seat biplane designed and developed at the Royal Aircraft Factory. Most production aircraft were constructed under contract by various private companies, both established aircraft manufacturers and firms that had not previously built aircraft. Around 3,500 were manufactured in all. Source: Wikipedia.

'Snipe & Baker'
Thomas Baker alongside a Sopwith Snipe plane.

Plane engine
Aeroplane engine on trolley outside hangars.

Crashed Snipe
Pilots examining crashed Snipe E 6250.

'RE8 with engine running. Cramlington March 1918.'
Three pilots alongside an R.E.8 with a fourth pilot in the cockpit.

Pilot in cockpit of Camel 'Newfoundland'.

'Bristol Monoplane'
Bristol Monoplane on tarmac.

Man in a trenchcoat
Man standing in front of church ruins, possibly in France or England.

'Jardins du Champ de Mars from Eiffel Tower'
Gardens in Paris viewed from the Eiffel Tower.

'Vimy Ridge'
Vimy Ridge, France. The Vickers Vimy plane was named after the battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917.