Wartime photographs by Ross Smith [PRG 18/4] • Photograph

Ross Smith at Morphettville Army Camp
Ross Smith in military uniform with three other soldiers, standing in front of tents at Morphettville Army Camp.

General view of Maadi Camp 3rd Light Horse Regiment
Written on back of photograph by Ross Smith to his mother: 'General view of Maadi Camp, 3rd L.H. Regiment. Officers' tents in the foreground. My tent was the bell tent in the centre of the photo with the man standing just on the left of it. A Squadron on the left (their tents are not showing), B Squadron in the centre and C Squadron on the right. The two sheds were our mess rooms. Taken from the top of a house in Maadi by one of my troop. The rest of the Brigade were camped to the left of us. Jan. 1915.'

Landing of the 4th Battalion A.I.F. at Gallipoli
Written on back of photograph: 'Landing of the 4th Bn., Gallipoli from A.8. Lake Michigan 25.4.15. Officer with rolled cape over left shoulder Major F.D. Irvine 1st Inf. Bde. Br. Gen. H.N. MacLawrin 1st Inf. Bde. is standing next to him. Lt. Hamilton Bde. Sig. Officer can be seen left hand bottom corner of photo. He has his chin strap down. Capt. D.M. King, standing on beach with back to Major Irvine. Sgt. Summerhayes first man killed lying on beach near outer edge'.

Ross Smith with group at Jenin aerodrome
Ross Smith with group at Jenin aerodrome, the day after its capture. Written on back: 'Taken at Jenin aerodrome the day after we captured it. Left to right - Me [Ross Smith], Lt. Campbell, AIF photographer, Lt Gullet, AIF war correspondent, Cpl Luxton and Gullet's driver, and a captured drum. You will notice that Gullet is holding a bottle of champagne of which we had numerous mug-fulls during the day!'

Ross Smith in a trench
Ross Smith in military uniform, holding a box and standing in a trench in front of a bunker.

Portrait of Ross Smith
Portrait of Ross Smith in military uniform.

Ross Smith with group before attacking Nekhl
Ross Smith with group, enjoying a break at camp the day before attacking Nekhi, February 1917. Writtten on reverse: 'Our camp the day before we attacked Nekhl. Left to right: Lt. Cole, Me [Ross Smith], Capt. William (my flight commander), Lt Morgan, and Lt Drummond. Our table and seats were boxes with bombs in them'.

Group of five Victorian pilots
Group portrait of five pilots at an army camp, all from Victoria, Australia. Written on back: '5 of our Pilots. Left to right - Lt Cole, Capt Ellis, Lt Bailleau, Capt Murray-Jones MC, Lt Coates. All Victorians. March 1917'.

Ross Smith at camp
Portrait of Ross Smith in military uniform, standing outside a tent at an army camp, likely in Egypt.

Ross Smith in hospital
Ross Smith in hospital, standing next to a building, with his head bandaged.

Ross Smith in hospital
Ross Smith sitting in a chair outside a brick hospital building, recovering from a head injury, and holding a pipe in one hand.

Portrait of Ross Smith
Portrait of Ross Smith in Air Force uniform. Photograph taken by Anglo-Swiss Photo-Studio, Cairo.

Ross Smith and pilots, RAFA fight day
Ross Smith and pilots Bailleua and MacNamara, enjoying a tea break by an aircraft at the advanced landing ground before a Royal Australian Air Force fight. Written on reverse: 'The day of the RAFA Fight. Left to right - Me [Ross Smith], Bailleau, Macnamara, at the advanced landing ground'.

Captain Williams, Flight Commander of Ross Smith
Captain Richard Williams, seated in the back seat of an aircraft, wearing flight helmet and goggles. Captain Williams was Flight Commander for Ross Smith.

Ross Smith and Lieutenant Cole at Shepheards
Written on back: 'A scene in my room in Shepheards. Cole and myself [Ross Smith] and a bottle of beer'. Possibly Shepheard's Hotel in Cairo.

Air craft crashed by Ross Smith and Captain Baker
Written on reverse: 'The machine that Capt. Baker and I crashed in the turnip field some time ago'.

Major Williams and Ross Smith
Ross Smith wearing a flight helmet and goggles standing with Major Williams who is wearing a slouch hat and carrying two boxes, in a field near an army camp. Written on reverse: 'Major Williams and myself [Ross Smith]. Now Air Marshall Sir Richard Williams - who unveiled the memorial at West Beach'.

Ross Smith in his B1229 N.S.W. No. 11
Ross Smith in his Bristol F.2 B Fighter plane, number B1229 N.S.W. No. 11. B1129 was part of No.1 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps, serving in the Middle East. B1129 was a 'presentation' aircraft, meaning that it was procured from a donation by the Macintyre Kayuga Estate of NSW, and was the 11th aircraft provided by them. The aircraft has the inscription 'New South Wales No.11, The Macintyre, Kayuga Estate' under the rear cockpit.

Ross Smith and Mustard in their B1229 N.S.W. No. 11
Ross Smith (left) and Mustard (right, aiming the rear gun) in the Bristol F.2 B Fighter plane, number B1229 N.S.W. No. 11. B1129 was part of No.1 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps, serving in the Middle East. B1129 was a 'presentation' aircraft, meaning that it was procured from a donation by the Macintyre Kayuga Estate of NSW, and was the 11th aircraft provided by them. The aircraft has the inscription 'New South Wales No.11, The Macintyre, Kayuga Estate' under the rear cockpit.

Ross Smith outside a tent
Ross Smith in his flying outfit, standing outside tent his tent after returning from a trip. Written on reverse: 'Me outside my tent after just coming back from a trip. I'm not tired but the sun was in my eyes'.

Photograph album taken during World War One
Photograph album of Ross Smith, comprising photographs of the 3rd Light Horse Regiment at Weymouth Camp in England, and on active service in Egypt during the First World War. See below for details.