Family photographs [PRG 18/1] • Photograph

Portrait of Keith Smith as a baby
Cabinet card studio portrait of Keith Smith, aged about eighteen months, wearing a dress with lace hem and sleeves.

Portrait of Ross Smith as a baby
Cabinet card studio portrait of Ross Smith, aged approximately eighteen months, wearing a dress with lace hem and sleeves, seated on a fur blanket.

Portrait of Keith Smith as a baby
Cabinet card studio portrait of Keith Smith, aged about two years, seated on a wooden chair, wearing a smocked dress with a jacket, and knee-high socks.

Early photograph of Keith and Ross Smith
Studio portrait of Keith Smith (standing), aged about 5 years, wearing a white shirt with shorts and knee-high socks, and Ross Smith (seated), aged about 3 years, wearing a white dress and jacket with lace collar.

Early photograph of Colin, Keith, and Ross Smith
Studio portrait of brothers Colin (seated left) wearing a white dress with lace jacket, Keith (standing) wearing a sailor-style jacket and shorts, and Ross (seated right) wearing a smocked shirt with shorts and knee-high socks.

Keith Smith aged 12 years
Studio portrait of Keith Smith, taken in March 1903 when Keith was 12 years old. He is wearing a jacket with knee-length pants and long socks. He is leaning against a stool and has one hand resting on his hip.

Ross Smith aged 10 years
Studio portrait of Ross Smith, taken in March 1903 when Ross was 10 years old. He is wearing a jacket with a large collar and bowtie, and knee-length pants with long socks. He is leaning against a chair and has one hand resting on his hip.

Colin Smith aged 8 years
Studio portrait of Colin Smith, taken in March 1903 when Colin was 8 years old. He is wearing a sailor-style jacket with a large collar, and knee-length pants with long socks. He is standing in front a chair with his hands behind his back.

Portrait of Colin, Ross and Keith Smith
Portrait of Colin (left), Ross (centre), and Keith (right). They are wearing jackets with with vests, shirts and ties, and long trousers. Colin and Keith are leaning against charis, and Ross is holding a book in one hand.

Portrait of Ross, Colin and Keith Smith
Portrait of Ross (seated left), Colin (standing centre), and Keith (seated right) Smith. They are wearing suit jackets with vests, shirts and ties, and long trousers. Keith is holding a book in one hand.

Portrait of Colin, Keith and Ross Smith
Portrait of Colin (seated left), Keith (seated centre), and Ross (standing right) Smith, taken on a Saturday during October 1905. Colin is leaning against a chair and wearing a sailor-style jacket, with shorts and long socks. Keith and Ross are wearing jackets with vests, shirts and ties, with shorts and long socks.

Portrait of Jessie Smith
Portrait of Jessie Smith, nee MacPherson, mother of Keith, Ross, and Colin Smith.

Portrait of Andrew Bell Smith
Portrait of Andrew Bell Smith, father of Keith, Ross and Colin Smith.

Smith family in Penzance, Cornwall
Cabinet card portrait of the Smith family seated in an 'Excursion Car' with other tourists on a holiday in the town of Penzance, Cornwall, England. Sitting in the front row with the coachman (centre) are, left to right: Ross, Colin, Mrs Jessie Smith, and Keith Smith; the man standing in the second row is believed to be Andrew Smith. The carriage is packed with tourists and pulled by four horses. It is pulled up in front of Wardour House family hotel, formerly Wardour Pension, Wherrytown, Penzance. Photograph by W. Richards & Son, 2 Queen Street, Penzance.

Colin Smith ice skating
Colin MacPherson Smith ice skating on the skating and curling pond at Moffat, Scotland.

Town of Moffat, Scotland
View of the town of Moffat, in Scotland, where Keith and Ross Smith lived for two years while they attended Warriston School.

Town of Moffat, Scotland
View of the town of Moffat, in Scotland, where Keith and Ross Smith lived for two years while they attended Warriston School.

Town of Moffat, Scotland
View of the town of Moffat, in Scotland, taken from Gallow Hill, where Keith and Ross Smith lived for two years while they attended Warriston School.

Warriston School at Moffat, Scotland
View of snow-covered grounds at Warriston School, at Moffat in Scotland, where Ross and Keith Smith lived for two years.

Smith Family at Gilberton
Andrew and Jessie Smith (centre) sitting with their sons Ross (left) and Keith (right) in the garden at their home at 10 Stephen Terrace, Gilberton, South Australia.

Australian Mounted Cadets
Ross Smith, fourth from left in the back row, during a world tour with the Australian Mounted Cadets, aged 14 years.

Andrew and Jessie Smith with son Keith Smith
Portrait of Jessie and Andrew Smith with their son Keith Smith (centre) in Royal Air Force uniform, sitting on the verandah of their home at 10 Stephen Terrace, Gilberton, South Australia.

Andrew and Keith Smith
Andrew and Keith Smith in front of a Rolls Royce car in New South Wales. Keith is dressed in his Air Force uniform and appears to be examining the car.

Keith Smith with members of the National Geographic Society
Photograph of Keith Smith with three gentlemen from the National Geographic Society, standing outside the Hubbard Memorial Hall, the 'Home of the National Geographic Society' located in Washington D.C. Left to right: John Oliver LaGorce, writer and explorer in the National Geographic Society; [H. Giace Street?]; Keith Smith; and Gilbert H. Grosvenor, editor of the National Geographic Magazine.

Portrait of Sir Ross Smith
Photographic copy of a painted portrait of Sir Ross Smith in Air Force uniform, by artist William Beckwith McInnes, painted in 1920.

Ross and Keith Smith at the wing of the Vickers Vimy
Ross and Keith Smith taking notes at the wing of their Vickers Vimy aircraft.

Lieutenant Keith Smith, Captain Ross Smith, and Sergeants Bennett and Shiers in England
Left to right: pilots Lieutenant Keith Smith and Captain Ross Smith, with mechanics Sergeant James Bennett, and Sergeant Wally Shiers, standing by the Vickers Vimy G-EAOU at Hounslow Heath, England, at the start of the England to Australia flight.