Addresses presented to G.F. Angas [PRG 174/62/1-2] • Photograph

Addresses presented to G.F. Angas

Addresses presented to G.F. Angas

Photographic copies of addresses presented to George Fife Angas. Item 1: Document acknowledging (and listing) the original directors of the S.A. Company. n.d. People named (with signatures adjacent) are George Fife Angas, Charles Hindley, James Hyde, Henry Kingscote, John Pirie, John Rundle, Thomas Smith, James Ruddell Todd and Henry Waymouth. Item 2: Document from the annual general meeting of the S.A. Company acknowledging the important role played by G.F. Angas as director of the S.A. Company in its development, 28 June 1848. The wording reads: 'South Australian Company. At the Twelfth Annual General Meeting of this Company held on the 28th June 1848 in their Offices No. 4 New Bond Street, London. J. Ruddell Todd Esqr in the Chair. The following resolution was moved by Robert Oakes, Esquire, seconded by Charles Hindley, Esqr, M.P., supported by the Revd Thomas Simpson, John Fussell Esqr and R. B. Beddome Esquire and carried unanimously - That the best acknolwedgement of the meeting are due to George Fife Angas, Esqr, The Chairman of the Directors of the Company during the past twelve years, for the intelligent, devoted, and valuable services of the Gentleman and that this Resolution be transmitted to him by the Chairman. [signed] J. Ruddell Todd, Chairman. Countersigned, David McLaren, Manager.'

Addresses presented to G.F. Angas

Addresses presented to G.F. Angas

Photographic copies of addresses presented to George Fife Angas. Item 1: Document acknowledging (and listing) the original directors of the S.A. Company. n.d. People named (with signatures adjacent) are George Fife Angas, Charles Hindley, James Hyde, Henry Kingscote, John Pirie, John Rundle, Thomas Smith, James Ruddell Todd and Henry Waymouth. Item 2: Document from the annual general meeting of the S.A. Company acknowledging the important role played by G.F. Angas as director of the S.A. Company in its development, 28 June 1848. The wording reads: 'South Australian Company. At the Twelfth Annual General Meeting of this Company held on the 28th June 1848 in their Offices No. 4 New Bond Street, London. J. Ruddell Todd Esqr in the Chair. The following resolution was moved by Robert Oakes, Esquire, seconded by Charles Hindley, Esqr, M.P., supported by the Revd Thomas Simpson, John Fussell Esqr and R. B. Beddome Esquire and carried unanimously - That the best acknolwedgement of the meeting are due to George Fife Angas, Esqr, The Chairman of the Directors of the Company during the past twelve years, for the intelligent, devoted, and valuable services of the Gentleman and that this Resolution be transmitted to him by the Chairman. [signed] J. Ruddell Todd, Chairman. Countersigned, David McLaren, Manager.'

Addresses presented to G.F. Angas

Addresses presented to G.F. Angas

Photographic copies of addresses presented to George Fife Angas. Item 1: Document acknowledging (and listing) the original directors of the S.A. Company. n.d. People named (with signatures adjacent) are George Fife Angas, Charles Hindley, James Hyde, Henry Kingscote, John Pirie, John Rundle, Thomas Smith, James Ruddell Todd and Henry Waymouth. Item 2: Document from the annual general meeting of the S.A. Company acknowledging the important role played by G.F. Angas as director of the S.A. Company in its development, 28 June 1848. The wording reads: 'South Australian Company. At the Twelfth Annual General Meeting of this Company held on the 28th June 1848 in their Offices No. 4 New Bond Street, London. J. Ruddell Todd Esqr in the Chair. The following resolution was moved by Robert Oakes, Esquire, seconded by Charles Hindley, Esqr, M.P., supported by the Revd Thomas Simpson, John Fussell Esqr and R. B. Beddome Esquire and carried unanimously - That the best acknolwedgement of the meeting are due to George Fife Angas, Esqr, The Chairman of the Directors of the Company during the past twelve years, for the intelligent, devoted, and valuable services of the Gentleman and that this Resolution be transmitted to him by the Chairman. [signed] J. Ruddell Todd, Chairman. Countersigned, David McLaren, Manager.'