Photographs of Second World War active service in the Middle East [PRG 1737/2] • Photograph

Official army photograph.
Small front and side official shots of Harold Good, SX 7234, taken on the 29 June 1940.

Gordon Jury.
Photograph of Gordon James Jury, SX7200, possibly taken before he left South Australia. He died in Egypt in July 1942.

Yeerongpilly, Queensland.
Group of five soldiers at the Yeerongpilly staging camp.

Army camp.
Distant view of an army camp, possibly Yeerongpilly.

Deolali Camp, India.
Caption on back reads: 'Taken at Deolali Rest Camp, India'.

Deolali Camp, India.
Caption on back reads: 'Taken at Deodali Camp Guests[?] of Native in Photo (L. N. Kader)[?] in photo Same Day. India 1940'.

Queen Mary.
'Queen Mary' fitted out as a troop ship. Caption on back reads: 'To Doss This represents one of the most wonderful sights I've yet seen dear. I'll tell you the whole story some day so look after it wont you From Harold'.

Bill Swincer.
Bill Swincer at Tobruk.

Harold Good, Len Kader and Bill Young.
Caption on back reads: 'This Snap was taken in ancient Jerusalem Doss on Wednesday 23rd April 1941 To you With Love'.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem.
Caption on back reads: 'This is believed to be built over the actual spot of the Crucifixion Dot but unfortunately time did not permit us to examine it inside so [I'll] tell you about it later [if I] get the chance to visit it again. Harold'.

The wall of Jerusalem.
Distant view of Jerusalem.

Jaffa Gate.
Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem.

'At Jerusalem'.
Walls of Jerusalem.

Sphinx and pyramids.
Commercial photograph of the pyramids and Sphinx.

Three soldiers.
Caption on back of postcard reads: 'Taken near the (Nouza) zoo Alexandria Sunday 22nd Taken 22nd June 1941 Pte. M.J. Miles, " Kader, [?] Good'.

Group photograph in camp.
Caption on back reads: 'Taken somewhere in Palestine on the 2nd of Nov. 1941 To Doss With Love Harold'.

Group photograph of nine soldiers.
'Taken somewhere in Egypt 1941 Hal [Forrest Harold?] Banks, Bulla Young, Ted Lynch, Ernie Reid, Jimmie Welsh, Ted Bell, Dave Stark, Len Kader and yours truly To Mum From Harold'.

Group photograph of twenty-one soldiers.
Caption on back reads: 'Taken at Tobruk some months ago in the Middle of the Desert 1941 To Johnny From Harold'.

Group photograph of soldiers.
'Palestine just after a heavy Rain Dec. 1941'.

!['Ray Lovelock Holding Snake [?] Killed.](
'Ray Lovelock Holding Snake [?] Killed.
Caption on back reads: 'I almost stepped on this fellow. It sure gave me a shock. Dec. 1941.'

Group photograph of ten soldiers.
On back of photograph: 'Here's yet another group snap taken in Palestine Jan. 1942'.

Three men in a tent.
Three men, one of whom is reading a newspaper. On back of photograph: 'Taken in Palestine Jan. 1942 The Frenchman with me is Len Kader Remember him?'

'Frenchman' with arms around 'girl'.
On back of photograph: 'Taken same day I look kinda cute done up as a girl don't you think. I've got a large hanky wrapped round my skull.'

Natives and soldiers.
On back of photograph: 'Taken on a little Island off the Coast of Syria. Feb. 1942.

Barracks, Syria.
On back of photograph: 'Looks like a palatial Hotel, but it is merely the barracks that we call home in Syria Mch. 1942.'

Local Arabs, mostly children, surrounding Australian soldiers.
On back of photograph: 'Another study where the Wogs get in for their share of whats left April 1942'.

Soldiers stopped for a drink.
On back of photograph: 'We stopped here for a cool drink from one of the natives wells. Note jug. April 1942 (Syria) Beirute' [sic].

Seven soldiers on a bridge.
On back of photograph: 'This group was taken in Beirut in Syria Doss. The Mediterranean Sea is right behind the Balustrade we are leaning on Harold Taken 14/4/42.'

Group of soldiers and a nursing sister.
On back of photograph: Taken at the 6th A.G.H., Gaza, July 1942.

Soldiers with nursing sister.
On back of photograph: Taken at the 6th A.G.H., Gaza, July 1942.