Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens [PRG 1719/4] • Photograph

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Erwin Aeuckens, on the right, with two other men and a dog at Woomera.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Carpenter's van with Erwin Aeuckens at the wheel, Woomera.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Five men, one holding a young child, alongside a carpenter's van. Erwin Aeuckens on the left.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Three men and a dog at Woomera. Nearby is a roughly made shelter with a pile of building material alongside.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Three men standing alongside a dirt track with a small group of dwellings and other buildings behind them in the distance.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

A young child, sitting on the running board of a van, holding a baby.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Two men on a motorcycle, alongside a carpenter's van.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Two men tinkering with the engine of a van.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

A man on a motor cycle alongside the carpenter's van in which sits another man in the driver's seat.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

A group of men, a woman and a child standing in front of a tray top truck on which is a large square item covered with a tarpaulin.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

A group of people and a dog in front of a tray top truck on which is a large square item covered with a tarpaulin.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

A man stands on the mudguard of a van. A woman stands in front of the van.

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Photographs relating to Erwin Aeuckens

Woomera desert landscape.