Press conference with Janine Haines and Bob Brown at Projection Bluff and Cradle Mountain Reserve, Tasmania [PRG 1618/22/33-37] • Photograph

Press conference, Projection Bluff.

Press conference, Projection Bluff.

Colour photograph of Janine Haines and Bob Brown standing on a stony rise covered with low scrub, with a sound man and camera crew filming them and a scene down the hill. A helicopter sits stationary to the side.

Press conference, Projection Bluff.

Press conference, Projection Bluff.

Colour photograph of Janine Haines and Bob Brown standing on a stony rise covered with low scrub, with a sound man and two cameramen filming them. Janine and Bob are looking down the hill, with Janine speaking and pointing. A helicopter sits stationary behind at the top of the hill.

Press conference, Projection Bluff above Jackey's Marsh.

Press conference, Projection Bluff above Jackey's Marsh.

Colour photograph showing an expansive view of a landscape from a high vantage point, which is covered with stony ground and low scrub. A camera crew and photographer stand a little down the slope, filming Janine Haines and Bob Brown, who are looking at the view.

Janine Haines and Bob Brown in Cradle Mountain Reserve.

Janine Haines and Bob Brown in Cradle Mountain Reserve.

Colour photograph of Janine Haines and Bob Brown standing on an open area of hillside covered with low scrub and groundcover. Looking past the photographer, Bob speaks with Janine, gesturing with his hands. Caption on reverse reads 'In Cradle Mt [Mountain] Reserve above Lemon Thyme'.

Janine Haines in a helicopter cockpit.

Janine Haines in a helicopter cockpit.

Colour photograph of Janine Haines with a headset on, sitting in the front seat of a helicopter, with the pilot alongside.