Badges relating to women's rights and feminism [PRG 1491/24/3-81] • Realia

International Women's Day.
'International Women's Day' text in pink with Women's Liberation Movement logo in the centre, on white background.

International Women's Day 1985.
Black text around female Venus symbol 'I am still angry on IWD '85' with illustration of a woman with buildings in the background, on a red background.

International Women's Day 1991.
Illustration of four different hands clasped with 'I.W.D. 1991', on a blue background.

International Women's Day 25 years.
Green text '25 years, International Women's Day, Women's Liberation, 1972-1997' on purple background.

International Women's Day 1999.
Black text 'International Women's Day 1999' with Women's Liberation Movement logo, with fist holding a lightning bolt, on green background.

International Women's Day 1999.
Black text 'International Women's Day 1999' with Women's Liberation Movement logo, with fist holding a lightning bolt, on orange background.

Tuesday Afternoon Group.
Hand-drawn badge, with green text 'Tuesday Afternoon Group, Women's Liberation', on white background, with Women's Liberation Movement logo in the centre.

Women are on the move.
Black text 'Women are on the move' on green background.

Onward to glory.
Black text 'Onward to glory!' on yellow background.

I love liberty and live liberation.
Black text 'I love liberty and live liberation' on green background.

Women working from the ground up.
Black text 'Women working from the ground up', on purple background.

Don't take a chance.
Black text 'Don't take a chance' on orange background.

Women's march for Liberation.
White text 'Women's March For Liberation' around edge with logo in centre, on black background.

Women March for Liberation.
Yellow text 'Women March For Liberation, Resistance' around the edge, with white logo in the centre, on pink background.

A woman's place is in the struggle.
White text 'A woman's place is in the struggle, Resistance' with white illustration of a woman's face on the left, on a purple background.

Feminism is not a dirty word.
Green text in centre 'Feminism is not a dirty word', with white venus/female symbol behind, on purple background.

Beneath every woman's curve lies a muscle.
Words in black in yellow text bubble 'Beneath every woman's curve lies a muscle', spoken by illustration of a woman dressed as a superhero, wearing a yellow dress and black boots, on a black background.

Feminist symbol.
Yellow venus/female symbol in centre, with red and blue flag with a yellow star in the middle, on a red background.

Women's Liberation Movement.
Women's Liberation Movement symbol in white on a purple background.

International Women's Year, Australia.
Black text around edge 'International Women's Year, Australia', with black logo in centre, on white background.

Black text across top 'Solidarity' with black venus/female symbol with world map in the centre, on purple and red background.

Gender equality.
Venus/female symbol in black, with '=' sign in centre, on yellow background.

Stand back, I'm a closet lesbian.
Hand-made badge, with 'Stand back, I'm a closet Lesbian' in black, with three pink Venus/female symbols joined in a row, on a silver background.

I'm a humourless feminist.
Puprle text 'I'm a humourless feminist', on a white background.

Celebrate women.
Handmade badge, 'Celebrate Women' in black text, with purple and green highlights, on a white background with silver stars.

Talk Back.
'Talk Back' written five times in different colours, on a yellow background.

Schools do it on purpose.
'Schools do it on purpose' written multiple times on white lined paper, with a red tick in the centre.

I'm Molly, Frank and Ernest.
Black text 'I'm Molly. I am also Frank and Ernest', on yellow background.

Up the parks, Molly.
Name badge with text in black, 'Up the parks, Molly', on white background.

1984 National Labor Women's Conference.
Handmade with text in black '1984 N.L.W.C. Adelaide, Molly Brannigan SA', on purple background, name badge for the National Labor Women's Conference in Adelaide.