Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe [PRG 1415/14] • Photograph

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Hermann Fritz Hubbe in uniform and coat

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Hermann Fritz Hubbe in uniform

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Hermann Fritz Hubbe, seated, in uniform

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Eric Wilkes Talbot-Smith, a platoon commander with the "Fighting 10th" Battalion. Originally from Kensington Park, he was the first officer of the 10th Battalion to obtain a commission in the A.I.F. and his death at Gallipoli, soon after the April 25 landing, was the first reported casualty in SA

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Major H. James, second in command of the 1st Pioneer Battalion which was formed in Egypt in March 1916

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Sgt. John Ulrich Hood of D Company, 3rd Australian Pioneers, was killed in action at Pachendale in October of 1917. Service number 1087, he died aged 41 and was buried in Potijze Chateau Grounds Cemetery in Belgium

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
John Hood, c.1896. Born in Glenelg and educated at Prince Alfred College, grandson of Ulrich Hubbe

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Henry (Harry) Frank May, grandson of Ulrich Hubbe, was born in 1891 and enlisted in the A.I.F. and went to France in 1916. He was wounded in 1918 and returned to Western Australia

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Postcard to 'Fritz' Hubbe from Eric Talbot-Smith, posted in NSW on 2 September 2, 1911. 'This photo is of the cadets of my block in front of the varandah'[sic]. Photograph on postcard was probably taken at Duntroon as Talbot-Smith entered the Royal Military College in 1911, one of the first South Australians to do so

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'H.M.H.S. Devann [Devanha?], Lemnos Harbour'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Hospital ships and searchlights between boom and harbour, Mudros Lemnos'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Pilot boat outside Alexandria taken from "Lake Michigan" C.P.R. Very rough'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Frazer Lake Michigan'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Major Whilton [?] Lane, Lt Mansfield on bridge HMT "Lake Michigan" outside Alexandria

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Sir John Murray and Staff Tel El Kebir 17/1/16 Inspection of 1st and 2nd Divs.'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Tel El Kebir Sunset Near Railway Line'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Sir John Murray & Staff. Tel El Kebir 17/1/16'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Sir John Murray Saluting Base March Past 1st Aust Div. Tel El Kebir 17/1/16'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Sir John Murray's review at Tel El Kebir Taken from Arabi [?] Pasha's defence works taken by Frazer 17/1/16'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'1st Div. Artillery March Past Sir John Murray Tel El Kebir 17/1/16'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Lock Sweetwater Canal Tel El Kebir'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Indian Cavalry Tel El Kebir used for Patrol work against native tribes'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'On Act Sce Arabia 26/1/16 Suez Canal Long One & Lt Christopher sitting on Arabi Pashar trench at Tel El Kebir Nothing doing here yet', postcard to Mrs S. G. Hubbe

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
'Pontoon Bridge across Canal Serapeum controlled by Sappers Bridge being hauled in to allow ships to pass'

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Hermann Fritz Hubbe

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Soldier in pith helmet, identity unknown, sitting on edge of tent

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Three soldiers, identities unknown, riding donkeys near an unusual rock formation

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Group of officers near car

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Soldier, identity unknown, holding what appears to be a riding crop. He is standing in the entrance to a tent

Photographs relating to H.F. Hubbe
Soldier with rifle facing woman (or man dressed as a woman?) in long skirt, long sleeved blouse and hat, back to camera, tents in background