Index 170, batch 22 [PRG 1409/15] • Photograph

Canoe tree
Gum tree, on the bank of the Murray River, from which a canoe has been made. The tree is on a property owned by the Edsons.

Canoe tree
Gum tree, on the bank of the Murray River, from which a canoe has been made. The tree is on a property owned by the Edsons. In the background, a weir spans the river.

Canoe tree
Gum tree, on the bank of the Murray River, from which a canoe has been made. The tree is on a property owned by the Edsons. In the background, a weir spans the river.

Canoe tree
A woman views a gum tree, on the bank of the Murray River, from which a canoe has been made. The tree is on a property owned by the Edsons. In the background, a weir spans the river.

Canoe tree
Gum tree, on the bank of the Murray River, from which a canoe has been made. The tree is on a property owned by the Edsons. In the background, a weir spans the river.

Canoe tree
'The Aborigines climbed to a great height to obtain a suitable piece of canoe bark from this red gum on the Edson property at Blanchetown, South Australia'. (Edwards, R.(1972), Aboriginal Bark Canoes of the Murray Valley, Rigby, Adelaide).

Canoe tree
Gum tree, on the bank of the Murray River, from which a canoe has been made.Shacks are visible on the opposite bank of the river.

Canoe tree
A woman views a gum tree, on the bank of the Murray River, from which a canoe has been made. The tree is on a property owned by the Edsons. In the background, a weir spans the river.

Canoe trees
Two boys look at gum trees, on the bank of the Murray River, from which canoes have been made. There are shacks visible on the other bank of the river.