Artworks by other artists [PRG 1385/100] • Artwork

Portrait of a ballerina 'Natasha' by Ludwik Dutkiewicz.
Portrait of ballerina 'Natasha' by Ludwig Dutkiewicz. On the reverse side is his self-portrait (see PRG 1385/100/1A), circa 1945 (later signed and dated 'Adelaide 1951'). This work can be seen in the background of interior photographs in Hohenfels Camp.

Portrait of a ballerina 'Natasha' by Ludwik Dutkiewicz.
Portrait of ballerina 'Natasha' by Ludwig Dutkiewicz. On the reverse side is his self-portrait (see PRG 1385/100/1A), circa 1945 (later signed and dated 'Adelaide 1951'). This work can be seen in the background of interior photographs in Hohenfels Camp.

Sketch portrait by Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz.
Sketch portrait on paper, by Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz, used by him as Botanic Gardens artist, black felt pen, Adelaide, (corner torn off). Writing across the bottom: 'Ruloidaea. Tribe Boronieae. Eriostemon Myoporoides'. The artist used felt pens, which were not used by Ludwik Dutkiewicz.

Portrait of Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz.
Watercolour portrait by his friend Terry Stapleton, actor, script writer and director of Crawford Television Productions.

Portrait of Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz.
Pencil drawing of Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz by Dr. John Dowie OAM, nd. The scrap of paper used was torn from minutes of an Adelaide Festival Illumination Committee meeting about street art for an Adelaide Festival, which they were attending in the mid 1960s. Wladyslaw created the sculptural 'Festival illuminations' along the median strip in King William Street for the Festival of Arts in 1966 and 1968.