Photographs from Potts collection [PRG 1361/20] • Photograph

'Bleasdale' homestead, Langhorne Creek
Original single storey homestead 'Bleasdale' at Langhorne Creek, home of the Potts family. In two sections, it was constructed of stone and brick with shingle roof and verandahs. Behind the post and rail fence can be seen Frank and Augusta Potts with four children and an older female at left. The house section on the left was gradually expanded to become the two-storey dwelling still standing today.

Ayers House, North Terrace
Ayers House, North Terrace, looking from the east side to the bow window and front verandah. (The west side bow window section had not yet been built.)

'East View', East Terrace, Adelaide
'East View', corner of Nil Street and East Terrace, Adelaide, home of Arthur John Baker.

'East View', East Terrace, Adelaide
'East View', corner of Nil Street and East Terrace, Adelaide, home of Arthur John Baker. According to information supplied by the donor, people in front of the house or on the verandah include Henry Rymill (1837-1927) and wife Lucy Lockett Rymill (1839-1885), Arthur John Baker (1814-1900), Arthur Graham Rymill (1868-1934), Margaretta Emily Baker, nee Lockett (1810-1890), Herbert Lockett Rymill (1870-1951), Mrs Elizabeth Churcher (1796-1874) sister of Mrs M.E. Baker, and Amy Baker (1846-1932). This view of the garden shows two stone lions have been added near the base of the fountain since an earlier view (PRG 1361/20/3) was taken.

John Hunt's house, Bordertown
John Hunt's house opposite old Pooginagoric homestead, near Bordertown. It was demolished in 1977.

Commercial Street, Mount Gambier
Commercial Street, Mount Gambier looking west, with the two-storey Mount Gambier Hotel at right edge of view and the District Council Chambers at left.

Farm house at Langhorne Creek
'Raydon', home of the Borrett family at Langhorne Creek. In front of the house a man is feeding poultry. In the foreground is a small dam, with part of an old shed with straw roof at left. This house is adjacent to 'Kookaburra', one of the Potts residences. According to a researcher, the "small dam" in this photograph is actually part of the Bremer River, obviously very full! This section of the creek was, when the creek (the Bremer) was dry, a track leading from Borrett's house out to some of their paddocks.

Scene at Lameroo
A group of men standing in front of premises of J.H. Foster's Lameroo Iron Works and C.A. Martin, wheelwright and coachbuilder. Both premises are constructed of galvanised iron sheeting. A collection of carts and farm machinery can be seen behind the men. On back of photograph is written in pencil: 'With best wishes from J.H. Foster, Blacksmith Lameroo, Late grape picker for F. Potts Langhorns Creek / send sample of best port to above as soon as possible.'

'Ellen' paddle steamer
Rear view of paddlesteamer 'Ellen' with bales of wool as part of her cargo, at Renmark wharf. A wooden landing alongside is laden with other cargo. The words 'Captn. Tinks' have been written on the verso. [Captain James (Billy) Tinks of Milang had a paddle steamer built for him by Frank Potts of Langhorne Creek.]

Soldiers marching, King William Street, Adelaide
A column of soldiers marching north down King William Street past the Criterion Hotel and the General Post Office. A soldier behind his commanding officer, giving the salute, holds his battalion's colours. Crowds are watching from the street edges and flags are flying from the Criterion's balcony verandah. (C. Whallin was publican of the Criterion Hotel from 1914-1920.) Two tramcars can be seen in front of the GPO. A researcher has suggested that this is the 20th Reinforcement of the 27th Battalion, and that the officer at the front of the column is Lieutenant John Lindsay Ross.

Frank Reginald Potts
Frank Reginald Potts, son of Frank Potts II of 'Bleasdale', Langhorne Creek in his Army uniform. He enlisted in the 20th Reinforcement, 27th Battalion in April 1917 and after training in England arrived in France in April 1918. He returned home to Langhorne Creek in January 1919 where he died six months later, in August 1919.

Langhorne Creek enlisted men
Langhorne Creek enlisted men in Adelaide, 28 May 1916. Three only are named: front row, second from right: Norman Simpson. Back row, fourth from left: Louis Wenzel (known as 'Spook') with his cousin Tom (Thomas Francis) Potts on his left. Tom Potts served in the 27 Battalion and returned to Australia in September 1918.

Rifle shooting team
Members of the No. 2 Southern District Union Team at Port Adelaide for a competition, September 1924. Back row: H. Higgins (Langhorne Creek), P.M. Wilsch (Berri), H.M. Natt (Langhorne Creek), M.W. Parish (Murray Bridge), A.B. (Arthur Bridgeman) Potts (Langhorne Creek), A.E. Parish (Murray Bridge). Second row: L. Lehmann (Murray Bridge), A.M. Coppin, scorer (Mount Barker), C. Parish and Sam Deed (Murray Bridge), Paul Cudmore (Victor Harbor). Front row: H.L. (Henry Leonard) Potts (Langhorne Creek) and Darcy N. Wollaston (Mount Barker).

Langhorne Creek Memorial Hall
Opening of the Langhorne Creek Memorial Hall.

Langhorne Creek old residents
Group of former residents of Langhorne Creek attending a 'Back to Langhorne Creek' celebration. The photograph was taken outside the old Langhorne Creek School. Back row: Messrs. Aunger, E. McBain, Ben Warren, Friend Cleggett. Middle row: Mesdames Aunger, Follett, Messrs. W. Winter, George Cleggett and A.H. Wenzel. Front row: Mesdames Craig, Olliver, William Borrett, Berry Smith, Fred Potts, Miss Aunger, Mesdames Gus Wenzel and J. Leslie. The celebration may have been the same occasion as the opening of the Memorial Hall (PRG 1361/20/14).

Arthur John Baker
Portrait of Arthur John Baker, appointed Adelaide's first Superintendent of Fire Brigades on 1 January 1860. He was married to Margaretta Lockett, step-sister of Frank Potts of 'Bleasdale'.

Gravestone of Lawrence and Elizabeth Potts
Gravestone of Lawrence Potts and second wife Elizabeth, formerly Lockett, at West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, photographed August 1999. Made of sandstone, the headstone was broken in two some time after 1975. It was relocated to 'Bleasdale' winery and a replacement memorial placed on the grave (Plan 3, Path 16, Plot 1) in 2004 by Potts descendants.