Buxton scrapbook [D 8309/1-22(Misc)] • Scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Letter by Thomas Fowell Buxton to Rev Jedidiah Snodgrass, published in the 'Quiz and the Lantern', 4 June 1896

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Newspaper cutting re Mr Fowell Buxton

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Line drawing and biographical note on Mr Noel Buxton

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Caricature of Noel [Buxton] from the 'Quiz and the Lantern'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Newspaper cutting about Mr Noel Buxton

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Newspaper cutting about Mr Noel Buxton

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Photograph taken outside Government House of 'The "Commander in Chief", his staff & officers of the South Australian forces, June [18]96'. [Standing, from left:] LWWB, Capt Tomkinson, ", ", ", Henniker, Guise, NEB, Coneybeare, ", ", HJB. [Seated, from left:] Col Harrold, ", Col Mudley, Col Gordon, HE, O'Loghlin (Minister for Defence), Col Makin, Col Ferguson, ", Major Hawkes

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Group in front of Government House with bicycles, July 1896, identified as (from left): 'Guise, Mabel, Harold, Coneybeare & Leland [on a tandem bicycle], Noel, V, HE, Connie, Henniker'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Wellington Lodge (Macfarlanes) May [18]96'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Bike party at Torrens Park June [18]96'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Macfarlanes on their launch'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Duck shooting party at Wood's Point May [18]96 - (from left): 'Hon L Stirling, HE, F Angas, Bonnin, ditto Jnr [ie Bonnin Jnr], Macfarlane Jnr, ditto, Macfarlane'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Duck shooting party at Wood's Point May [18]96 - 'Ducks L Stirling'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Duck shooting party at Wood's Point May [18]96 - (from left): F Angas [on left] Dr Stirling [on right]'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Duck shooting party at Wood's Point May [18]96 - Henniken [closest to camera]'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

House at Torrens Park

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Macfarlane on his water tower'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Turkey shooting party, Nalpa, May [18]96'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Nalpa. Mrs Bonnin & Co'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Turkeys and hares upside down'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Watercolour on a 'North Adelaide Institute, June 19th, 1896' card, with the inscription underneath 'By Miss Bragg (hostess with Miss Colley & Miss H. Todd'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Nursey & "Betty" & Jack'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

'Nursy, Harold & Khama [a dog], Leyland & Betty [a kangaroo]'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Group in the garden at Marble Hill (from left) 'Miss Scott, Henniker, Leland, Guise, Coneybeare'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Cyanotype photograph of a group identified as (back row, from left) WJC, HJB, Roberts, Pendleton, Guise, Nursy, MacNeill, and (front row, from left) Joyder, Moncrieff, CJ, LWB, HE, MFEB, NGB'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Cyanotype photograph of a group of Aboriginal people

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Expedition to Oodnadatta July 1896 circa 700 miles north of Adelaide (terminus of transcontinental railway) - "the rumbling grumbling oort" [camels]

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Expedition to Oodnadatta July 1896 circa 700 miles north of Adelaide (terminus of transcontinental railway) - anatomy made easy'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Expedition to Oodnadatta July 1896 circa 700 miles north of Adelaide (terminus of transcontinental railway) - Afghan camel owner'

Buxton scrapbook

Buxton scrapbook

Expedition to Oodnadatta July 1896 circa 700 miles north of Adelaide (terminus of transcontinental railway) - Government camel team'