Papers and photographs relating to Graham McInerney's Vietnam War experience [D 8182(Misc)] • Mixed material

Graham McInerney in Blackwood Hospital

Graham McInerney in Blackwood Hospital

Graham McInerney recuperating in Blackwood Hospital after being repatriated to Australia via Richmond RAAF base in NSW.

Graham McInerney being wheeled out to the Hercules at Vung Tau

Graham McInerney being wheeled out to the Hercules at Vung Tau

Graham McInerney being wheeled out to the Hercules plane at Vung Tau, prior to his evacuation back to the RAAF base at Richmond, NSW.

Graham McInerney in a Phantom plane

Graham McInerney in a Phantom plane

'In a Phantom neat North Vietnamese border. Too confined in rear cockpit to take pics so photographed myself instead!! Other shot [D 8182/6(Misc)] is the aircraft which accompanied us. He was the leader. After he dropped his bombs we did a chase down the coast. Good fun.'

Major Honner in Vietnamese swamp

Major Honner in Vietnamese swamp

'Fri 6 Dec 1968. In the jungle Hat Dich area of Phuc Tuy province. Diary reads - "Up at dawn - 5.30am - made tomato soup for breakfast. Off again this time in front of tanks. Linked with A coy and then terrible slog through jungle and swamp to find Firestone trail. Got back to Julie FSB on APC then chopper to Nui Dat. Lovely shower and clean clothes. Wrote long letter to Lea. Bed at 11.30pm very very tired." This was with C Coy IRAR Co Major Honner. Note the towel under pack straps. these had made shouldes red raw over the three days. Also made good additional sweat cloth.'

Press group in Vietnam

Press group in Vietnam

Press group in Vietnam - Graham McInerney on left, and John Burrowes in front.

Phantom [plane] on way to bombing and strafing mission

Phantom [plane] on way to bombing and strafing mission

'Phantom [plane] on way to bombing and strafing mission on North Vietnam border with South Vietnam.' See D 8182/3(Misc) for further comment.

A side gunner keeps watch during a helicopter assault mission

A side gunner keeps watch during a helicopter assault mission

Papers documenting Graham McInerney's experience in the Vietnam War, where he was working as a photographer with the Associated Press Newsagency, together with a selection of photographs taken by and of him. The individual photographs may be viewed online by doing a number search on D 8182/1-23; the papers may be requested through the reference desk.

Assault boats on the Vam Co Dong River

Assault boats on the Vam Co Dong River

Assault boats on the Vam Co Dong River. 'American forces. Very young men - leader was 22 years old. Fast boats as Viet Cong often on the banks of the river and attacked them'. [This was the same trip as photographs 10, 12 & 14.]

North Vietnanmese prisoner

North Vietnanmese prisoner

'Another North Vietnamese prisoner being assisted back for interrogation a few minutes after capture. At the time I felt rather sorry for him, he was about eighteen and was obviously very frightened. His legs shook violently and he eventually had to sit down whilst being interviewed by the Coy Intellignece Officer. Note that the camera has caught him spitting out some substance from an anti personnel grenade that was used to flush him out of his bunker.'

Part of an ammunition cache found buried in the bank of a canal

Part of an ammunition cache found buried in the bank of a canal

'Part of an ammo cache found buried in the bank of a canal leading from the Vam Co Dong River.' Army personnel pictured are American. [This was the same trip as photographs 8, 12 & 14.]

USA Army river boat underway

USA Army river boat underway

See D 8182/12(Misc) for further information.

A USA Army river boat crew on the Van Co Dong River

A USA Army river boat crew on the Van Co Dong River

'A river boat crew grapples with reeds and creepers blocking the entrance of an old irrigation canal leading from the Van Co Dong River. Many caches of arms and ammo were found buried along the banks of these canals. These boats had twin browning machine guns on the bow, a grenade launcher on the stern and twin 220 hp motors for speed and acceleration! The VC often ambushed them along narrow rivers - hence the need for speed.' [This was the same trip as photographs 8, 10 & 14. See also D 8182/11(Misc).]

US marines and Vietnamese peasants

US marines and Vietnamese peasants

'US marines watch as peasants go about their business during an operation just south of Da Nang.'

On the Vam Co Dong River

On the Vam Co Dong River

'On the Vam Co Dong River. A river patrol boat checks a sampan for arms or ammo. Note the S Vietnamese flag ... all the boats fly these (when the patrol boats are around anyway).' [This was the same trip as photographs 8, 10 & 12.]

Australian soldier in swamp north of Nui Dat

Australian soldier in swamp north of Nui Dat

'Australian soldier in swamp during a search and stroy mission north of Nui Dat.'

Soldier in a Vietnamese swamp

Soldier in a Vietnamese swamp

Papers documenting Graham McInerney's experience in the Vietnam War, where he was working as a photographer with the Associated Press Newsagency, together with a selection of photographs taken by and of him. The individual photographs may be viewed online by doing a number search on D 8182/1-23; the papers may be requested through the reference desk.

On the 'Helgoland' - German hospital ship for the Vietnamese

On the 'Helgoland' - German hospital ship for the Vietnamese

[Shows four young children 'helping' a Vietnamese nurse sort bandages.]

Vietnamese girls in orphanage in Vinh Long near the Mekong Delta

Vietnamese girls in orphanage in Vinh Long near the Mekong Delta

[Features a number of girls in checked dresses, playing stringed instruments.]

Vung Tau beach scene

Vung Tau beach scene

Papers documenting Graham McInerney's experience in the Vietnam War, where he was working as a photographer with the Associated Press Newsagency, together with a selection of photographs taken by and of him. The individual photographs may be viewed online by doing a number search on D 8182/1-23; the papers may be requested through the reference desk.

South Vietnam mercenaries on a helicopter assault mission

South Vietnam mercenaries on a helicopter assault mission

'South Vietnam mercenaries on a helicopter assault mission. These men lived in remote outposts that resembled the forts so often seen in films of the US Cavalry days. Many had Cambodian blood and some had been released from South Vietnamese prisons to fill this role. I understand that they were paid by the number of kills. I have never met a more unsavoury looking group, on operations they conveyed are rather piratical appearance with their red scarves and ammo bandoliers slung across their shoulders.'

On Vung Tau beach

On Vung Tau beach

'Boy leaning over his brother who had drowned. Vung Tau beach. Australian soldier tried to give him mouth to mouth.'

American soldiers with Vietnamese prisoners

American soldiers with Vietnamese prisoners

'A body snatch. This was a regular practise of the Americans. A helicopter would fly out from one of the military camps, select a paddy field at random, swoop down and wait whilst a couple of crew members grabbed three or four of the workers. These people were then taken back for identity checks and interrogation. The idea was to discourage VC from mingling with local inhabitants during the day.'

Jeanette, Leanora and Paul McInerney

Jeanette, Leanora and Paul McInerney

Graham McInerney's family (from left) Jeanette, Leanora and Paul.