Album of World War I photographs [D 6687(Misc)] • Photograph

World War I photographs.

World War I photographs.

Photographs of Sisters and Nurses in uniform during World War I.

Sister Barnes.

Sister Barnes.

Portrait photograph of Sister Barnes in nurse's uniform.

Nurses Almond, Rodgers, and Brinsley.

Nurses Almond, Rodgers, and Brinsley.

Portrait photograph of Nurse Almond, Nurse Dorothy Rodgers, and Nurse Brinsley at the Adelaide Hospital.



Portrait photograph of a Sister in nurse's uniform.

World War I photographs of Egypt.

World War I photographs of Egypt.

Photographs of scenes of Egypt, including Cairo and the Pyramids during World War I.

World War I photographs of sites.

World War I photographs of sites.

Photographs of assorted locations, including camps during World War I.

Soldiers at a hospital camp.

Soldiers at a hospital camp.

Group of soldiers waiting for drivers at a camp during World War I, possibly in Egypt.

Hospital camp.

Hospital camp.

Group of soldiers at a hospital camp during World War I, possibly in Egypt.

World War I photographs of nurses and sisters.

World War I photographs of nurses and sisters.

Photographs of nurses and sisters during World War I, possibly in Egypt.

Two nurses in a hospital room.

Two nurses in a hospital room.

Two nurses in a hospital room, during World War I, possibly in Egypt.

Four nurses in a garden.

Four nurses in a garden.

Four nurses standing in front of a tree, during World War I, possibly in Egypt.

Dr. Kneebone and Sister Haynes in Egypt.

Dr. Kneebone and Sister Haynes in Egypt.

Dr. Kneebone and Sister Haynes, during World War I, on camels in front of the Sphinx.

Views of Heliopolis and Suez.

Views of Heliopolis and Suez.

Views of Heliopolis and Suez, during World War I.

Battleships in the Suez Canal.

Battleships in the Suez Canal.

Views of assorted battleships in the Suez Canal, during World War I.



A battleship, possibly at the Suez Canal.

Battleship in the Suez Canal.

Battleship in the Suez Canal.

A battleship in the Suez Canal.

Two sisters.

Two sisters.

Two sisters on their way to work, probably in Egypt, during World War I, captioned "Sister & self".

Sailboat in the Suez Canal.

Sailboat in the Suez Canal.

Captain Le Mesurier out sailing the Suez Canal, during World War I.

French battleship in the Suez Canal.

French battleship in the Suez Canal.

French battleship in the Suez Canal, during World War I.

Views of the Suez Canal.

Views of the Suez Canal.

Views of the Suez Canal, during World War I.

Suez Canal, Ismailia.

Suez Canal, Ismailia.

View of the Suez Canal, Ismailia, during World War I.

Red Cross X-Ray boat.

Red Cross X-Ray boat.

Red Cross X-Ray boat, probably in Egypt, during World War I.

Hospital and street shots, Ismailia.

Hospital and street shots, Ismailia.

Hospital and street shots, Ismailia, during World War I.

Hospital, Ismailia.

Hospital, Ismailia.

View of the Hospital, Ismailia, during World War I. A few people are standing out the front.

Group, probably in Egypt.

Group, probably in Egypt.

Three men and a sister, probably in Egypt, during World War I. The photograph is captioned "In the Grotto, Gaz".

Medical staff after an operation.

Medical staff after an operation.

Medical staff after an operation, likely to be at the hospital in Ismailia, during World War I.

A patient in E Ward.

A patient in E Ward.

A patient in E Ward, likely to be at the hospital in Ismailia, during World War I.

Groups of nurses aboard a ship.

Groups of nurses aboard a ship.

Groups of nurses aboard a ship, during World War I.

Four nurses aboard the 'Orsova'.

Four nurses aboard the 'Orsova'.

Four nurses aboard the 'Orsova'. It is captioned, "Steps & Stairs".

Group aboard the 'Orsova'.

Group aboard the 'Orsova'.

A group including three nurses and a soldier aboard the 'Orsova'. It is captioned, "A happy family H.M.A.T. Orsova".