Plan of the western shores of Lake Torrens [cartographic material] [C 85] • Archival map/chart

Plan of the western shores of Lake Torrens [cartographic material]

Plan of the western shores of Lake Torrens [cartographic material]

Probably C.H. Harris' survey of the eastern shore of Lake Torrens in the course of Babbage's expedition of 1858. A researcher has identified the creator of this map as Benjamin Herschel Babbage for the following reasons: 1.The style and handwriting matches the style and handwriting of Babbage's other maps. 2. Babbage was supposed to map the western shore of Lake Torrens in 1858, but because of a lack of water that year, neither Babbage nor his second-in-command, William (W.G.) Harris (unrelated to C.H. Harris) mapped it. 3. In October to December 1860, Benjamin Herschel Babbage and his son, Charley, made a private trip to Lake Torrens. Babbage wrote a letter to his father, Charles Babbage about this journey and described mapping the western shore of Lake Torrens from late November to early December. 4. Charley Babbage did sketches of the trip, including of Louden's Station and of parts of Lake Torrens while they were doing the mapping work. These sketches are held by the National Library in Canberra. Importantly, the sketches are dated (day, month, and year). 5. The map shows the route of the party that did the mapping work. If you look closely, the party's campsites are marked on the map and the dates (in November - no year given) when they were at each campsite match exactly with the dates on Charley's sketches, and the dates in Babbage's letter to his father.

Plan of the western shores of Lake Torrens [cartographic material]

Probably C.H. Harris' survey of the eastern shore of Lake Torrens in the course of Babbage's expedition of 1858. A researcher has identified the creator of this map as Benjamin Herschel Babbage for the following reasons: 1.The style and handwriting matches the style and handwriting of Babbage's other maps. 2. Babbage was supposed to map the western shore of Lake Torrens in 1858, but because of a lack of water that year, neither Babbage nor his second-in-command, William (W.G.) Harris (unrelated to C.H. Harris) mapped it. 3. In October to December 1860, Benjamin Herschel Babbage and his son, Charley, made a private trip to Lake Torrens. Babbage wrote a letter to his father, Charles Babbage about this journey and described mapping the western shore of Lake Torrens from late November to early December. 4. Charley Babbage did sketches of the trip, including of Louden's Station and of parts of Lake Torrens while they were doing the mapping work. These sketches are held by the National Library in Canberra. Importantly, the sketches are dated (day, month, and year). 5. The map shows the route of the party that did the mapping work. If you look closely, the party's campsites are marked on the map and the dates (in November - no year given) when they were at each campsite match exactly with the dates on Charley's sketches, and the dates in Babbage's letter to his father.