Miscellaneous group portraits [BRG 9/36/291-296] • Photograph

Crown Versus Country chess match.
Crown V. Country Record Chess Match, Albert Hall, Adelaide, May 27, 1895.

A. Simpson & Son Executives.
Photograph of A. Simpson & Son executives. Presented to G.H. Strutton, Esq. A. Simpson & Son Ltd.

Hardware Trade Association of S.A..
Hardware Trade Association of South Australia "The Veterans", including A.M. Simpson. 2.9.13.

Havelock Cricket Club.
Havelock Cricket Club. Formed 1887. Season 1904-1905. Played 23 matches, Won 6, Lost 0, Drawn 17.

South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
South Australian Corps of the Australian Imperial Bushmen, April 1900.

South Australian Cadet Corps.
Route March of the South Australian Cadet Corps, 1st September 1900.