South Australian Company. South Australian Office, 1837-1839, Manuscript, BRG 42/146/1
List of company emigrants on the 'Solway' from Hamburg, Germany. The vessel arrived 16 October 1837.
South Australian Company. South Australian Office, 1837-1839, Manuscript, BRG 42/146/2
List of emigrants on the 'Katherine Stewart Forbes' from London, arrived at Kingscote, Kangaroo Island, 16 October 1837.
South Australian Company. South Australian Office, 1837-1839, Manuscript, BRG 42/146/3
List of emigrants on the 'Katherine Stewart Forbes' from London.
South Australian Company. South Australian Office, 1837-1839, Manuscript, BRG 42/146/4
List of emigrants on the 'Hartley' from London, arrived 28 October 1837.
South Australian Company. South Australian Office, 1837-1839, Manuscript, BRG 42/146/5
Passenger note for emigrant Henry Woolman, sail maker, wife and family, on the 'Navarino' from London, arrived 6 December 1837.
South Australian Company. South Australian Office, 1837-1839, Manuscript, BRG 42/146/6
Cabin & steerage passenger lists of emigrants on the 'Canton' from London, arrived 2 May 1838.
South Australian Company. South Australian Office, 1837-1839, Manuscript, BRG 42/146/7
List of 33 emigrants on the 'Bengalee', Captain Hamlin from Hamburg, arrived 16 November 1838.
South Australian Company. South Australian Office, 1837-1839, Manuscript, BRG 42/146/8
List of company's emigrants on the 'Buckinghamshire', arrived 21 March 1839.