Series 064: Aerial views of Adelaide [BRG 397/2/64] • Photograph

Item 01: Aerial view of Palais de Danse and Elder Park.
Aerial photograph looking south west towards the city from above City Bridge. The Palais de Danse on the River Torrens and Elder Park appear in the foreground of the image. Work is underway on the tram tracks on King William Road.

Item 02: Aerial view of North Terrace and King William Street.
Aerial view looking south east across the intersection of North Terrace and King William Street. The T&G Building is prominent along King William Street at the top right of the image.

Item 03: Aerial view of River Torrens.
Aerial photograph looking east along the River Torrens from approximately the location of the Weir. Adelaide Oval and the Memorial Drive tennis courts appear on the left of the image. The Palais de Danse is in the Torrens near the Elder Park Rotunda. The Torrens Parade Ground, parklands and part of Lower North Adelaide are visible in the distance.

Item 04: Aerial view of North Terrace precinct.
Aerial photograph looking south east across Kintore Avenue and the University of Adelaide. Building work on the Art Gallery extension is underway in the centre of the image.

Item 05: Aerial view of University of Adelaide.
Aerial photograph looking south-south west from the River Torrens across the University of Adelaide and North Terrace cultural buildings towards North Terrace. A building site for the future Goldsborough House on North Terrace dates the photograph.

Item 06: Aerial view of North Terrace.
Aerial photograph, looking west along North Terrace from near the intersection with Frome Road. The Brookman Building and Jubilee Exhibition Building are prominent in the centre of the image.

Item 07: Aerial view of Hindley and Currie Street.
Aerial view across part of the Adelaide CBD, looking south east. Hindley Street is in the foreground, and Currie Street behind. The T & G building on King William Street stands out as the tallest building in the image.

Item 08: Aerial view of North Terrace.
Aerial view of Adelaide, looking west-south west across Frome Road and North Terrace. The photograph shows clear views of the Brookman Building, Jubilee Exhibition Building, Jubilee Oval, University of Adelaide, Bonython Hall and Elder Hall and the cultural institutions along North Terrace.

Item 09: Aerial view along King William Street.
Aerial photograph of Adelaide from a high altitude, looking south down King William Street. The intersection of Currie Street and King William Street is in the foreground. The trees of Victoria Square are clearly visible in the centre of the image.

Item 10: Aerial view of Government House.
Aerial photograph looking south west across Government House towards North Terrace and King William Street. Parliament House, the Government Printing Office and the Adelaide Railway Station are visible to the left of the image.

Item 11: Aerial view of the University of Adelaide.
Aerial photograph looking south west across the buildings comprising the University of Adelaide. Behind can be seen the Art Gallery, Museum, Library and other buildings along Kintore Avenue, as well as the grounds of Government House. The Barr Smith Library is under construction in the bottom left of the photograph.

Item 12: Aerial view of the University of Adelaide.
Aerial photograph, looking approximately south west, showing the buildings of the University of Adelaide as well as the Art Gallery, Museum and Library. The view extends across the northern part of the CBD as far as Victoria Square.

Item 13: Aerial view across the River Torrens.
Aerial view of Adelaide city from a high altitude, looking south-south east. Adelaide Oval and the River Torrens are in the foreground.The Railway Station and Government House are mid-photograph and there is a good view down King William Street to Victoria Square.

Item 14: Aerial view of North Terrace.
Aerial photograph looking east along North Terrace from the intersection with Kintore Avenue. The War Memorial, Institute Building, Library, Museum and Jubilee Exhibition Building are all prominent on the left side of the image. Buildings on the right include Lister House.