Series 045: Angas Street and Hackney tram barns [BRG 397/2/45] • Photograph

Item 01: MTT tram barn, Victoria Square.
Aerial photograph of the Municipal Tramways Trust (M.T.T.) tram barn, corner of Victoria Square and Angas Street, Adelaide, looking east.

Item 02: Tram barn and Convent of Mercy.
Aerial photograph of the Municipal Tramways Trust (M.T.T.) tram barn, corner of Victoria Square and Angas Street, Adelaide, looking north. The Convent of Mercy and buildings forming part of St Aloysius College can be seen to the right of the image.

Item 03: Aerial view of Victoria Square.
Aerial photograph looking approximately north west across the Convent of Mercy and tram barn on Angas Street, towards Victoria Square and Moore's department store. St Francis Xavier Cathedral can be seen to the right of the image.

Item 04: Aerial view of Angas Street.
Aerial photograph looking approximately east along Angas Street, with the Municipal Tramways Trust (M.T.T.) tram barn in the foreground. Buildings between Angas Street and Wakefield Street are visible, including the Convent of Mercy, St Aloysius College, part of St Francis Xavier Cathedral, and the former St Andrews Presbyterian Church.

Item 05: Hackney tram depot.
Aerial photo of the Municipal Tramways Trust (M.T.T.) tram barn on Hackney Road at Hackney, looking west.

Item 06: Angas Street tram barn.
Aerial photograph of the Municipal Tramways Trust (M.T.T.) tram barn, corner of Victoria Square and Angas Street, Adelaide, looking north east.

Item 07: Tram barn, Angas Street.
Aerial photograph looking east along Angas Street, with the Municipal Tramways Trust tram barn in the foreground. The Convent of Mercy and Old Colonist Hotel can be seen behind.

Item 08: Looking south east from Victoria Square.
Aerial photograph looking south east from the southern end of Victoria Square, with the Municipal Tramways Trust tram barn prominent on the corner of Angas Street.

Item 09: Convent of Mercy and tram barn.
Aerial photograph of the Municipal Tramways Trust (M.T.T.) tram barn on the corner of Victoria Square and Angas Street, looking west. Adjacent to the tram barn is the Convent of Mercy and St Aloysius College.

Item 10: South-eastern edge of Victoria Square.
Aerial photograph of the MTT tram barn, Convent of Mercy and St Francis Xavier Cathedral at the south-eastern edge of Victoria Square.