Series 027: Adelaide from the air [BRG 397/2/27] • Photograph

Item 01: Aerial view of North Terrace looking west.
View along North Terrace, with the Jubilee Exhibition Building dominating the foreground. Includes views of Bonython Hall, Elder Hall, the Mitchell Building, and the University of Adelaide campus; the Art Gallery, Museum and Library, and buildings along the south side of North Terrace and part of Pulteney Street including the Ruthven Mansions and Scots Church. In the distance, construction work is underway on the extension of Parliament House.

Item 02: Aerial view of King William Road.
View from the air of King William Road and King William Street, looking approximately south from the River Torrens.

Item 03: Aerial view of St Peter's Cathedral.
Aerial view of King William Road showing Adelaide Oval, St Peter's Cathedral, and the Adelaide Children's Hospital in the foreground. The floating Palais de Danse can be seen in the River Torrens at the top of the image.

Item 04: Aerial view of North Terrace.
View looking west along North Terrace, from approximately Frome Road. Offers a clear view of the Royal Adelaide Hospital, the Jubilee Exhibition Building, Jubilee Oval, the University of Adelaide, and the Art Gallery, Museum and Library buildings.

Item 05: Aerial view looking east along North Terrace.
View along North Terrace towards Kent Town.

Item 06: Aerial view looking south along King William Street.
View along King William Street from above the River Torrens, looking towards the inner southern suburbs.

Item 07: City Bridge, North Adelaide.
Aerial view of City Bridge over the River Torrens, and surrounding parklands. The edge of Adelaide Oval is visible during a cricket game with few spectators.

Item 08: Aerial view of Victoria Hotel, O'Halloran Hill.
Victoria Hotel (licensee E.M. McDermott), adjacent to a horse stud, at O'Halloran Hill.

Item 09: Aerial view of North Terrace precinct.
View looking north west across North Terrace, towards the River Torrens and Adelaide Oval. Buildings visible along North Terrace include the Brookman Building, Jubilee Exhibition Building, Scots Church, Freemasons Hall, and buildings of the University of Adelaide and the cultural institutions.

Item 10: Adelaide from the air.
Aerial view of central Adelaide, looking south east across the Railway Station. The T&G building on the corner of King William Street and Grenfell Street stands out as the tallest building in the centre of the image.

Item 11: Aerial view along King William Street.
View of Adelaide taken from over the River Torrens, looking approximately south along King William Street. Parliament House and the Railway Station are in the foreground.

Item 12: Aerial view of University of Adelaide.
View looking north west across North Terrace towards the University of Adelaide. The Brookman Building, Jubilee Exhibition Building and Jubilee Oval are also visible.