Series 011a: Aerial photographs of Penfolds Winery at Magill and Nuriootpa [BRG 397/2/11A] • Photograph

Item 01: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Nuriootpa.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Nuriootpa, looking south west.

Item 02: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill. Photograph taken looking east, with the corner of the Parade and Penfold Road visible in the lower left of the image.

Item 03: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill. Photograph taken looking south.

Item 04: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill. Photograph taken looking south. Entrance to the winery from the Parade in the foreground. Penfold Road in the background.

Item 05: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Nuriootpa.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Nuriootpa looking south west. Angas Park Winery can be seen on the corner of Murray Street and Angaston Road.

Item 06: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill looking south east.

Item 07: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill. Photograph taken looking south. Entrance to the winery from the Parade in the foreground. Penfold Road in the background.

Item 08: Aerial view of vineyards.
View from the air of a large building and several houses, surrounded by vineyards.

Item 09: Aerial view of Penfolds Wines at Magill.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill looking south east.

Item 10: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill.
Penfolds Winery at Magill looking east. Coach Road in the background.

Item 11: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill looking south east. The Parade is visible in the foreground.

Item 12: Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill.
Aerial view of Penfolds Winery at Magill looking east. Coach Road in the background.