SAGASCO photographs : Promotions [BRG 350/34/11/1-250A] • Photograph

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Breakfast SAGASCO promotion in Centre Hall, Adelaide Railway Station with "Bazz & Pilko" (Milton Wordley & Associates)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Breakfast SAGASCO promotion in Centre Hall, Adelaide Railway Station with "Bazz & Pilko" (Milton Wordley & Associates)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Breakfast SAGASCO promotion in Centre Hall, Adelaide Railway Station with "Bazz & Pilko" (Milton Wordley & Associates)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Radio personalities Jan Springett, 'Pilko' and Russell Starke (Milton Wordley)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Radio personalities Jan Springett, 'Pilko' and Russell Starke (Milton Wordley)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Mrs M Maitland's class (3 week special course) at demonstration 1967 (Ray Glyde)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
SAGASCO cooking demonstrator (Milton Wordley)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
SAGASCO cooking demonstrator (Milton Wordley)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Shop window display by Mount Gambier Gas Company (R S Sladdin)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Gas stove promotion, Mount Gambier?

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Television crew filming stove repairer (Ron Langman)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
SAGASCO promotion in suburban town hall (Ronald S Woolmore)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Advertising hoarding for SAGASCO automatic cooker, 1939, location unknown (D Darian Smith)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
People visiting Gas Museum, Brompton (Milton Wordley)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
People visiting Gas Museum, Brompton (Milton Wordley)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Prizewinner at Rural Youth Cookery, Royal Adelaide Show 1981

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
SAGASCO display, probably Royal Adelaide Show

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Natural Gas promotion with SAGASCO management

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Promotion of gas cooking in Mount Gambier, with demonstrator on stage and seats empty

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Promotion of gas appliances in Mount Gambier, with demonstators and others on stage, and appliances in front of audience of women (photo: Arthur & Son Studios);.

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Demonstration of gas cooking in Mount Gambier, with other appliances (photo: Arthur & Son Studios)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Mount Gambier show display of gas appliances & lighting 1912 by Colonial Gas Association Ltd

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Window display of gas appliances by Colonial Gas Association Ltd at their Mount Gambier premises

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Window display of gas appliances by Colonial Gas Association Ltd at their Mount Gambier premises

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Group of men and boys standing under verandah of office of South Eastern Star newspaper, Mount Gambier ca.1900? (Scott H Barry photograph)

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Female cookery demonstrators and audience of women in large hall, location unknown ca.1930

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Female cookery demonstrators and audience of women in large hall, location unknown ca.1930

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Adelaide Town Hall assembly, mostly women, watching a demonstration, 1935

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions
Home Economics Display, Adelaide Town Hall, 27 June 1935;.