British Tube Mills agencies [BRG 264/40/134-160] • Photograph

British Tube Mills agencies.
Display of bicycles for Super Elliott Cycles using British Tube Mills products.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers display with men standing around looking at the product displays.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Bullock Cycles stand at a show.

Representatives visit.
Representatives visit to the British Tube Mills factory.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers weed sprayer.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers weed sprayer.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers cultivator on display.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers cultivator on display.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers Alfa-Laval separator.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers Alfa-Laval homestead milker on display.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers cultivator driving pumps and sprinklers.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Villiers cultivator driving pumps and sprinklers.

British Tube Mills agencies.
Man using a circular saw powered by a Villiers cultivator.