Plans by English and Soward, English and Rees, and Garlick and Jackman. [BRG 238/1] • Plan

Architectural design drawing for the Earl of Leicester Hotel, Leicester Street, Parkside
Architectural design drawing for the Earl of Leicester Hotel, Leicester Street, Parkside for Chambers & Blades. Architect: English & Soward. Contractor: William Ling [See B 20031 for a photographs of the Hotel in 1970].

Architectural drawing for Loxton Hotel for J. & A.G. Johnstone.
Architectural drawing for Loxton Hotel for J. & A.G. Johnstone. Architect: English & Soward. Contactor: C.H. Bannear.

Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison
Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison.

Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison
Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison.

Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison
Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison.

Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison
Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison.

Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison
Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison.

Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence (sections) at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison
Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence (sections) at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison.

Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison
Architecture drawing for a proposed marine residence at Boston Bay, Port Lincoln for Frederick Sison.

Architecture drawing for the Anglican Church at Renmark
Architecture drawing for the Anglican Church at Renmark.

Architecture drawing for the Murray Bridge Church of England.
Architecture drawing for the Murray Bridge Church of England. Architect: English & Soward. Contractor: Richard Trenouth

Architecture drawing for the Murray Bridge Church of England.
Architecture drawing for the Murray Bridge Church of England. Architect: English & Soward. Contractor: Richard Trenouth

Architectural drawing for alterations to walling at Bishops Court, North Adelaide for Lord Bishop of Adelaide
Architectural drawing for alterations to walling at Bishops Court, North Adelaide for Lord Bishop of Adelaide. Architect, Daniel Garlick.

Architectural drawing for proposed renovations at Bishop Court, North Adelaide for Lord Bishop of Adelaide
Architectural drawing for proposed renovations at Bishop Court, North Adelaide for Lord Bishop of Adelaide. Architect: Garlick & Jackman.

Architectural drawing for a proposed warehouse in Charles street, off Rundle Street, for John Martin & Co.
Architectural drawing for a proposed warehouse in Charles street, off Rundle Street, for John Martin & Co. Architect: English & Soward. Contractor: William Rogers.

Architectural drawing for a warehouse in Wyatt Street, Adelaide, for Hon. H. Scott
Architectural drawing for a warehouse in Wyatt Street, Adelaide, for Hon. H. Scott. Architect: Thomas English. Contractor: J.B Sierbert

Architectural design drawing for the refurbishing of the Britannia Hotel, cnr Kent Terrace, Adelaide
Architectural design drawing for the refurbishing of the Britannia Hotel, cnr Kent Terrace, Adelaide for Beaglehole & Johnstone. Architect: English & Soward. Contractor: Thomas Dunk.

Architectural drawing for the Royal Exchange Hotel proposed at Kadina for Wm. Rounsevell.
Architectural drawing for the Royal Exchange Hotel proposed at Kadina for Wm. Rounsevell. Architect: Thomas English. Contractor: Thomas R. Heath.

Architectural drawing of the front of the proposed new United Services Club (Ambassadors) Hotel, King William Street for C.P. Clover.
Architectural design drawing of the front of the proposed new United Services Club (Ambassadors) Hotel, King William Street for C.P. Clover. Architect: John Grainger [See PRG 631/2/1284 for a view of the Hotel].

Architectural drawing for Horse pavilions at the new showgrounds, Wayville, for Agricultural Society.
Architectural drawing for Horse pavilions at the new showgrounds, Wayville, for Agricultural Society. Architect: English & Soward. Contactor: Hill & Arnold.

Architectural drawing for Horse pavilions at the new showgrounds, Wayville, for Agricultural Society.
Architectural drawing for Horse pavilions at the new showgrounds, Wayville, for Agricultural Society. Architect: English & Soward. Contactor: Hill & Arnold.

Architectural drawing for business premises, Ellen Street, Port Pirie, for H.A & W. Gooden.
Architectural drawing for business premises, Ellen Street, Port Pirie, for H.A & W. Gooden. Architect: English & Soward. Contractor: Smerdon & Co.

Architectural drawing for a proposed pavilion for Sports Committee of the University of Adelaide.
Architectural drawing for a proposed pavilion (on sports oval, parklands beyond city bridge) for Sports Committee of the University of Adelaide. Architect: English & Soward. Contractor: C. A. Martin.

Architectural drawing for St. Pauls Church, Port Adelaide, for Church of England.
Architectural drawing for St. Pauls Church, Port Adelaide, for Church of England. Architect: English & Soward.

Architectural drawing for proposed premises, Wirrabara, for Bank of Australasia
Architectural drawing for proposed premises, Wirrabara, for Bank of Australasia. Architect: English & Soward.

Architectural design drawing for the Wesleyan Church, Norwood
Architectural design drawing for the Wesleyan Church, Norwood for Wesleyan Church. Architect: Daniel Garlick.

Working architectural drawings for the Ramsgate Hotel, Henley Beach
Working drawings for the Ramsgate Hotel, Henley Beach for A.W. & T.L. Ware. Architect: Ernest H. Bayer. Contractor: Moss & Watts.

Architectural drawing for additions to Wombat Hotel, Kadina, for W. Harris.
Architectural drawings for additions to Wombat Hotel Kadina for W. Harris. Architect: Garlick & Jackman.

Architectural drawing for Wesleyan Church, Aldgate, for Wesleyan Church Trustees.
Architectural drawing for Wesleyan Church, Aldgate for Wesleyan Church Trustees. Architect: D. Garlick. Contractor: Pullin & Tarode.

Architectural drawing for Archer Street Wesleyan Church schools & lecture hall.
Architectural drawing for Archer Street Wesleyan Church schools & lecture hall. Architect: D. Garlick. Contractor: Wm. Bundey.