Photographs of General Motors Holden plant at Fishermen's Bend [BRG 213/73/6/VOL1] • Photograph

Holden engine on display.
Close-up of Holden cut-away engine on view at the Southern Motors Holden display.

Holden 25th anniversary dinner.
Formal dining reception for 'GMH 1926-1951: 25 Years of Progress'.

Gentlemen of the Supply Department wih L.J. Hartnett, GMH Melbourne.
Back row: C. McAlpin, T. Wilson, J. Mulcahy, J.W. Fidler, F. Astill, H.C. Criddle. Front row: W. Faulkner, L.E. Boland, L.J. Hartnett, A.C. Wigan, J. Carroll, A.W. Jobson. In Conference Room, Top Floor, Fishermen's Bend.

Men in Vauxhaull showroom.
L.J. Hartnett (GMH), Mr L. Walton (Vauxhaull), Mr S.A. Cheney and others in Cheney's showrooms, with Vauxhaull and Bedford display.

Anzac Day ceremony, General Motors-Holden.
H.A. Cavanaugh and H.E. Bettle stand to attention in front of flags at 11am on Anzac Day.

Anzac Day ceremony, GMH Fishermen's Bend.
."At 11am, the Managing Director, Mr H.E. Bettle, and the General Sales Manager, Mr H.A. Cavanaugh, both former US servicemen, come down the steps to the main entrance hall where members of the GMH Sub-Branch of the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. are assembled. The secretary of the Sub-Branch, Russ Carson, hands League wreaths to the Managing Director and to the Sub-Branch President, who place them on brads under the honour-boards which surround the hall. The President then reads the Anzac Requiem, selected each year by the League, then a one minute silence is observed in memory of former employees who died on service. The ceremony is repeated a few minutes later at the Honour Boards in NASCO.