GMH Fishermen's Bend Plant construction [BRG 213/73/4/VOL1] • Photograph

Unloading first consignment of steel for Fishermen's Bend plant.
(Note Bedford Flexion Unit).

Unloading first consignment of steel for Fishermen's Bend plant.
(Note Bedford Flexion Unit).

Unloading first consignment of steel for Fishermen's Bend plant.
(Note Bedford Flexion Unit).

Unloading first consignment of steel for Fishermen's Bend plant.
(Note Bedford Flexion Unit).

Installing the first column at Fishermen's Bend plant.
M.D.Moran contractor.

Erection of first steel column at Fishermen's Bend plant.
Volume one of a group of photographs documenting construction of Holden's Fishermen's Bend Plant at Port Melbourne, Victoria.

Erection of first steel column at Fishermen's Bend plant.
M.D.Moran contractor.

Material delivered for erection of Parts Department steel work.
Volume one of a group of photographs documenting construction of Holden's Fishermen's Bend Plant at Port Melbourne, Victoria.

Covering over north trench.
With horses and men at work.

Covering over north trench.
Volume one of a group of photographs documenting construction of Holden's Fishermen's Bend Plant at Port Melbourne, Victoria.

Mixing concrete for foundation footings.
Volume one of a group of photographs documenting construction of Holden's Fishermen's Bend Plant at Port Melbourne, Victoria.

Erecting steel for North Crane Bay, Parts Department.
Volume one of a group of photographs documenting construction of Holden's Fishermen's Bend Plant at Port Melbourne, Victoria.

Erecting steel for North Crane Bay, Parts Department.
Volume one of a group of photographs documenting construction of Holden's Fishermen's Bend Plant at Port Melbourne, Victoria.

Erecting formwork for concrete in Office Building.
Volume one of a group of photographs documenting construction of Holden's Fishermen's Bend Plant at Port Melbourne, Victoria.

Formwork for office building.
General view.

Parts Department.
General view showing erected steel and formwork.

Advertising sign.
'A great modern industrial plant on this 50 acre site is being erected for General Motors-Holden's Ltd.'.

Erecting steel for Parts Department.
A worker at top of high framework.

Parts Department.
General view of framework.

Parts Department and formwork for Main Office.
General view.

Parts Department.
General view of framework.

Erecting roof of Parts Department, North Crane.
Workers manually hoisting roof panels.

Main Office looking east.
General view of formwork.

General view of works.
Showing partially erected x.c.o warehouse, Crane Bay, completed steel for Parts Department, and progress of Office building

A. A. Dunstan laying Office Building foundation.
The Hon. A. A. Dunstan, Premier of Victoria, lays the foundation.

Laying of Office Building foundation.
The Hon. A. A. Dunstan, Premier of Victoria, lays the foundation.

North Crane Bay, Parts Department.
Showing frame and partial roof completion.

Laying concrete for first floor, Parts Department building.
Workers laying concrete.

Laying concrete for first floor, Parts Department building.
Workers laying and smoothing concrete.

Unloading steel.
Workers unloading from 'Johns & Waygood Ltd. Engineers, South Melbourne' truck.