Bedford 1974 series KGT C3 (EFR6) specifications sheet [BRG 213/62/11/9] • Manuscript

Bedford 1974 series KGT C3 (EFR6) specifications sheet

Bedford 1974 series KGT C3 (EFR6) specifications sheet

Information sheet for the 1974 Series Bedford KGT C3 (EFR6) truck, comprising dimensions/chassis weights charts and specifications. The bodies for the English Bedford were manufactured in Australia by General Motors-Holden's Limited.

Bedford 1974 series KGT C3 (EFR6) specifications sheet

Bedford 1974 series KGT C3 (EFR6) specifications sheet

Information sheet for the 1974 Series Bedford KGT C3 (EFR6) truck, comprising dimensions/chassis weights charts and specifications. The bodies for the English Bedford were manufactured in Australia by General Motors-Holden's Limited.