Photographs of General Motors-Holden's Limited in South Australia: Plant and equipment [BRG 213/207/1] • Photograph

Staff canteen

Staff canteen

Interior view.

Maintenance section

Maintenance section

Showing coke braziers.

Paint sprayer

Paint sprayer

Machine[?] Engineering.

Plant 11 floor undamaged

Plant 11 floor undamaged

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Plant 11 floor damaged

Plant 11 floor damaged

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Plant 11 front entrance

Plant 11 front entrance

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Plant 11 office stairs

Plant 11 office stairs

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

View across Plant 11 workfloor from offices

View across Plant 11 workfloor from offices

With workers at machinery.

Grinding section

Grinding section

Side view from above.

Plant No. 11

Plant No. 11

Side view inside workshop.

Plant 11 roof structure

Plant 11 roof structure

Interior view.

Plant 11 cloak room showers

Plant 11 cloak room showers

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Plant No. 5 urinal

Plant No. 5 urinal

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Plant No. 5 men's lavatory

Plant No. 5 men's lavatory

Stairs leading to the toilet.

Plant No. 5 men's lavatory

Plant No. 5 men's lavatory

Inside cubicle.

Plant No. 5 men's lavatory

Plant No. 5 men's lavatory

General view.

Plant No. 5 men's urinal

Plant No. 5 men's urinal

General view.

Plant No. 5 men's lavatory

Plant No. 5 men's lavatory

General view.

Plant No. 11 lavatory

Plant No. 11 lavatory

Stairs leading to the men's toilet.

Large press line No. 5

Large press line No. 5

View from gantry.

Old tower outside GMH Woodville Plant

Old tower outside GMH Woodville Plant

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Aerial view of General Motors-Holden's, Woodville

Aerial view of General Motors-Holden's, Woodville

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Large press line

Large press line

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

No. 10 Plant cloak room

No. 10 Plant cloak room

View of interior.

No. 5 Plant

No. 5 Plant

General view in side workshop.

No. 11 Plant grinding section

No. 11 Plant grinding section

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Side view of No. 11 Plant

Side view of No. 11 Plant

Showing windows.

Rotary planer

Rotary planer

Photographs relating to plant and equipment at General Motors-Holden's Limited, comprising images of machinery, presses and tools, employees at work, building extensions, war production and Frigidaire units. Includes manufacturing sections within Woodville, Birkenhead and Beverley Plants and other sections such as the Theatrette, Accounting area, Casualty room, laboratory, canteen and office blocks.

Rotary planer

Rotary planer

Showing face of plane.

Rotary planer

Rotary planer

Showing top of plane.