General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three [BRG 213/121/7/VOL3] • Photograph

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

Volume three from a series of four photographic albums titled 'Defence Projects'. Comprising annotated photographs of GMH defence projects at Woodville, subjects H-R, including production of haversacks, views of the laboratory and metrology department, machinery, gun magazine production, Hamilton Press for making panels, aerial views of the plant, pontoon production, presses, Niles planer, and munition workshop at St Peters College.

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

Volume three from a series of four photographic albums titled 'Defence Projects'. Comprising annotated photographs of GMH defence projects at Woodville, subjects H-R, including production of haversacks, views of the laboratory and metrology department, machinery, gun magazine production, Hamilton Press for making panels, aerial views of the plant, pontoon production, presses, Niles planer, and munition workshop at St Peters College.

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

Volume three from a series of four photographic albums titled 'Defence Projects'. Comprising annotated photographs of GMH defence projects at Woodville, subjects H-R, including production of haversacks, views of the laboratory and metrology department, machinery, gun magazine production, Hamilton Press for making panels, aerial views of the plant, pontoon production, presses, Niles planer, and munition workshop at St Peters College.

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

Volume three from a series of four photographic albums titled 'Defence Projects'. Comprising annotated photographs of GMH defence projects at Woodville, subjects H-R, including production of haversacks, views of the laboratory and metrology department, machinery, gun magazine production, Hamilton Press for making panels, aerial views of the plant, pontoon production, presses, Niles planer, and munition workshop at St Peters College.

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

General Motors-Holden's Limited defence projects, Volume Three

Volume three from a series of four photographic albums titled 'Defence Projects'. Comprising annotated photographs of GMH defence projects at Woodville, subjects H-R, including production of haversacks, views of the laboratory and metrology department, machinery, gun magazine production, Hamilton Press for making panels, aerial views of the plant, pontoon production, presses, Niles planer, and munition workshop at St Peters College.