Photographic study of GMH Woodville Plant; machines and equipment [BRG 213/121/18/40-72] • Photograph

Hydraulic surface broach.

Hydraulic surface broach.

Recently installed machinery at Woodville Plant.

Surface broach.

Surface broach.

Full form front face, 57mm anti-tank gun breech block.

4 punch piercing unit.

4 punch piercing unit.

'Used steel and light alloy Aircraft parts, range 18Ga. steel to .250 diameter hole and 16Ga. light alloy .250 diameter hole. Design and manufacture-GM-H Woodville Plant'.

Mechanical press brake.

Mechanical press brake.

Designed and manufactured in Woodville Plant for use in Melbourne Plant.

Woman working at an optical projector.

Woman working at an optical projector.

'Designed and built in the [Woodville] Plant, and fitted with Ross lenses. This machine has been checked and fully approved for all types of projection work by the National Authority, the Munition Supply Laboratories'.

Comparator stand.

Comparator stand.

'Design and made in the [Woodville] Plant for the checking of guages. Fitted with an L.S. Starrett dial indicator and capable of checking to 0.0001 inch'.

Standard coventry dividing head.

Standard coventry dividing head.

'Mounted on a bed made and finished in the [Woodville] Plant. This bed is typical of the many types of surface plates produced by the toolroom and to an accuracy well within Grade A of the British Standard Specification'.

Standard Pratt and Whittney measuring machine.

Standard Pratt and Whittney measuring machine.

'Fitted with accessories designed and built in the [Woodville] Plant. The floating centres and adjustable floating bar supports had to be made to extremely fine limits to retain the original accuracy of the machine'.



'Designed and made in the [Woodville] Plant for the checking of production parts'.

Precision apparatus.

Precision apparatus.

'For manufacture and checking of jigs and guages, made in the [Woodville] Plant and finished to optical flatness'.

Bench centres.

Bench centres.

'For use in the manufacture of tools and gauges, made in the [Woodville] Plant to an adaption of American design'.

Beam straight edges.

Beam straight edges.

'Patterned on existing types, made and finished in the [Woodville] Plant to British Standard Specifications, in 8ft., 6ft., 4ft. and 2ft. lengths. For the testing and correcting of machine tools'.

Surface Broach for cartridge clearance, 57mm.

Surface Broach for cartridge clearance, 57mm.

Anti-tank gun breech block.

Inserted Broach for 57mm.

Inserted Broach for 57mm.

Anti-tank gun breech rings.

Surface broach.

Surface broach.

For the breech block gap 57mm. Anti-tank gun breech ring.

Sharpening and finishing broach.

Sharpening and finishing broach.

With a cocking length hole, 57mm. Anti-tank gun breech block.

Surface broach.

Surface broach.

For facing 11 inch faces on the 57mm. Anti-tank gun breech rings.

Full set of broaches.

Full set of broaches.

For the cocking length hole, 57mm. Anti-tank gun breech block.

Mills and cutters.

Mills and cutters.

Typical types of: 1.Large diameter inserted tooth side and face mill; 2.Vertical slab mill; 3.Shell and mill; 4.Staggered tooth side and face cutter; 5.Interlocking staggered side and face; 6.Various types of end mills.

Built up type of Full Form Reamer.

Built up type of Full Form Reamer.

'For 57mm. Anti-tank gun breech barrels. Reamer was arranged and photographed to show the build up'.

Bar and circular type form tools.

Bar and circular type form tools.

Typical examples.

Typical cutting tools.

Typical cutting tools.

Broaches; 57mm gun drills; 20mm gun drills; 20mm gun body drill; inserted tooth type face mill.

20mm gun barrel rifling tool.

20mm gun barrel rifling tool.

Showing stages of manufacture for applying inserted cutting bit.

Form milling 20mm gun bodies.

Form milling 20mm gun bodies.

Black and white mounted photographs from an album titled 'Photographic Study, General Motors-Holden's Ltd., Woodville, South Australia, 1944'. Comprises images, with captions on verso, from the section in the album labelled 'Machines and Equipment' featuring tools and machinery used for manufacturing guns and military equipment used during World War II. Many were designed and built at the Woodville Plant.

8 ton steam hammer anvil on Niles planer.

8 ton steam hammer anvil on Niles planer.

Black and white mounted photographs from an album titled 'Photographic Study, General Motors-Holden's Ltd., Woodville, South Australia, 1944'. Comprises images, with captions on verso, from the section in the album labelled 'Machines and Equipment' featuring tools and machinery used for manufacturing guns and military equipment used during World War II. Many were designed and built at the Woodville Plant.

Corvette engine base on Niles planing machine.

Corvette engine base on Niles planing machine.

Black and white mounted photographs from an album titled 'Photographic Study, General Motors-Holden's Ltd., Woodville, South Australia, 1944'. Comprises images, with captions on verso, from the section in the album labelled 'Machines and Equipment' featuring tools and machinery used for manufacturing guns and military equipment used during World War II. Many were designed and built at the Woodville Plant.

Planer column on Niles planer.

Planer column on Niles planer.

Black and white mounted photographs from an album titled 'Photographic Study, General Motors-Holden's Ltd., Woodville, South Australia, 1944'. Comprises images, with captions on verso, from the section in the album labelled 'Machines and Equipment' featuring tools and machinery used for manufacturing guns and military equipment used during World War II. Many were designed and built at the Woodville Plant.

11 ton planer column on Keller machine.

11 ton planer column on Keller machine.

Black and white mounted photographs from an album titled 'Photographic Study, General Motors-Holden's Ltd., Woodville, South Australia, 1944'. Comprises images, with captions on verso, from the section in the album labelled 'Machines and Equipment' featuring tools and machinery used for manufacturing guns and military equipment used during World War II. Many were designed and built at the Woodville Plant.

Planer machine column on Keller machine.

Planer machine column on Keller machine.

Black and white mounted photographs from an album titled 'Photographic Study, General Motors-Holden's Ltd., Woodville, South Australia, 1944'. Comprises images, with captions on verso, from the section in the album labelled 'Machines and Equipment' featuring tools and machinery used for manufacturing guns and military equipment used during World War II. Many were designed and built at the Woodville Plant.

A batch of Cordite presses.

A batch of Cordite presses.

Ready for final inspection.