GMH South Australian Plants during World War II; volume 1 [BRG 213/121/17/VOL1/1-24] • Photograph

Copy of Woodville Plant drawing.
Black and white mounted photographs, with annotations, of General Motors-Holden's Limited Woodville Plant during World War Two. Includes images of facilities and buildings, staff canteen, Port Road gate, external storage area, and the engineering section. Includes some photographs of the Birkenhead Plant.

'Aerial view of Woodville Plant'.
Looking towards Cheltenham Racecourse.

'Port Road gate', Woodville.
Entrance gate with 'Holden's Motor Body Builders' on the wall.

'Port Road frontage', Woodville.
View across Port Road towards factory and entrance gate.

'Gas producer starting facilities-Port Road gate', Woodville.
Employee filling Chevrolet vehicles with fuel.

'Gas producer starting facilities-Port Road gate', Woodville.
Employees filling Chevrolet cars and trucks with fuel, with entrance gate beyond.

'North-East from Port Road', Woodville.
Black and white mounted photographs, with annotations, of General Motors-Holden's Limited Woodville Plant during World War Two. Includes images of facilities and buildings, staff canteen, Port Road gate, external storage area, and the engineering section. Includes some photographs of the Birkenhead Plant.

'Portion of No.5 Plant', Woodville.
Looking from the road.

'External storage area', Woodville.
Stacked wooden crates, some marked 'Chevrolet', and bundles of planks with factories beyond.

'External storage area', Woodville.
Stacked wooden crates and other transportation material, with a factory beyond.

'Staff canteen', Woodville.
Building with 'A.R.P. First Aid Dressing Station' sign on roof, and the 'Holden's Employees Canteen Society' Chevrolet van parked outside.

'Interior-Staff canteen', Woodville.
Black and white mounted photographs, with annotations, of General Motors-Holden's Limited Woodville Plant during World War Two. Includes images of facilities and buildings, staff canteen, Port Road gate, external storage area, and the engineering section. Includes some photographs of the Birkenhead Plant.

Birkenhead Plant 'Rann Street frontage'.
Black and white mounted photographs, with annotations, of General Motors-Holden's Limited Woodville Plant during World War Two. Includes images of facilities and buildings, staff canteen, Port Road gate, external storage area, and the engineering section. Includes some photographs of the Birkenhead Plant.

'Factory offices-No.6 Plant'.
Black and white mounted photographs, with annotations, of General Motors-Holden's Limited Woodville Plant during World War Two. Includes images of facilities and buildings, staff canteen, Port Road gate, external storage area, and the engineering section. Includes some photographs of the Birkenhead Plant.

'Engineering-No.6 Plant'.
Engineering staff working at tables.

'Engineering 1938-No.6 Plant'.
Engineering staff working on plans at drafting tables, with an open office area to the left.

'Engineering experimental-No.6 Plant'.
Engineering staff at machinery.

'Cleared site-No.10 Plant', Woodville.
With the factory to the left and remaining houses to the right.

'Frontages-No.10 Plant', Woodville.
With small 'First Street' and 'Main Road' signs on the walls.

'Male cloakroom-No.10 Plant', Woodville.
Black and white mounted photographs, with annotations, of General Motors-Holden's Limited Woodville Plant during World War Two. Includes images of facilities and buildings, staff canteen, Port Road gate, external storage area, and the engineering section. Includes some photographs of the Birkenhead Plant.

'Wash room-No.10 Plant', Woodville.
Black and white mounted photographs, with annotations, of General Motors-Holden's Limited Woodville Plant during World War Two. Includes images of facilities and buildings, staff canteen, Port Road gate, external storage area, and the engineering section. Includes some photographs of the Birkenhead Plant.

'Casualty room-No.10 Plant', Woodville.
Black and white mounted photographs, with annotations, of General Motors-Holden's Limited Woodville Plant during World War Two. Includes images of facilities and buildings, staff canteen, Port Road gate, external storage area, and the engineering section. Includes some photographs of the Birkenhead Plant.

'Male messroom-No.10 Plant', Woodville.
Staff dining room.

'Female messroom-No.10 Plant', Woodville.
Staff dining room.