Photographs from 'The Manufacture of an Holden Body' [BRG 213/1/4/1-19] • Photograph

Air Compressor.
Photograph of a large air compressor installed in a section of HMBB's workshop.

Sand Blasting.
Photograph of a man wearing head protection working on a car body on a trestle in a section of HMBB's workshop. Caption reads 'Sand blast for Cleaning Steel Panels'. See also BRG 213/1/3/59-60.

Hood Bow Bending Department.
Photograph of bending frames in a section of HMBB's workshop. Caption reads 'Hood bow bending department'. See also BRG 213/1/3/61

Linderman Jointing Machine.
Photograph of men working at a Linderman Jointing Machine in a section of HMBB's workshop. See also BRG 213/1/3/63.

Log Mill.
Photograph of men feeding a log through a large circular saw in a section of HMBB's workshop. See also BRG 213/1/3/62

Enamel Flowing Machine.
Photograph of a man spraying car bodies set on trestles in a section of HMBB's workshop. See also BRG 213/1/3/133.

Paint Shop Drying Ovens.
Photograph of vehicle shells on wooden trestles standing in long rows in the drying ovens of HMBB's workshop.

Boxing and Shipping Department.
Photograph of bare car bodies standing on end in a rail cart, with a man behind stacking wooden crates with a loader in a section of HMBB's workshop.

General View of Engine Room.
Photograph of a room with engine plant machinery in a section of HMBB's workshop.

Assembly Jig.
Photograph of men assembling wooden frames in a section of HMBB's workshop.

Steel Panel Press.
Photograph of a man working a large hydraulic press in a section of HMBB's workshop. See also BRG 213/1/3/79.

Panel Assembly Line.
Photograph of men fitting metal car body panels to wooden frames in a section of HMBB's workshop.

Nickel Plating Plant - Buff Lines.
Photograph of a number of men working on two rows of buffing machines in a section of HMBB's workshop.

Spring Coiling and Knotting Machines.
Photograph of four men working at machines, each with safety frame surrounds, in a section of HMBB's workshop.

General View of Spring Plant.
Photograph of a number of women working on the spring frames of vehicle seats in a section of HMBB's workshop.

General View of Plating Baths.
Photograph of men working on bright metal pieces at troughs and benches in a section of HMBB's workshop.

Dyeing and Proofing.
Photograph of pieces of machinery, each with a number of rollers, in a section of HMBB's workshop.

General View of Wood Mill.
Photograph of machinery and sawn pieces of wood on trolleys in a section of HMBB's workshop.

Oxy-Acetylene Welding Section.
Photograph of men working on panels in a section of HMBB's workshop.