Machinery and plants, Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited [BRG 213/1/3/79-92] • Photograph

First hydraulic press, HMBB, Woodville.
Photograph of a man operating a large metal press, with pressed panels stacked behind. Caption reads 'First hydraulic press, as first set up in original location, Plant 2 at Woodville, near railway line'.

Linderman Jointing Machine, HMBB, Woodville.
Photograph of a long piece of machinery set up near a wall in a workshop. Caption reads 'Holden's Motor Body Works. Linderman Jointing Machine for joining together pieces of timber of any width and any thickness up to 4". Machine minimises waste and by producing wider timber more economical cutting. One of 4 Linderman Dovetail Jointers. Top Floor Woodmill, Plant 3, Woodville.'

Sundry parts plant, HMBB.
Photograph of large metal trays with various panels hanging above from a curved beam, which extends around a wall in the HMBB workshop. Caption reads 'Sundry parts plant, annexe to Plant 11, adjacent to repair shed.'

Engineering and smithy, HMBB Beverley.
Photograph of a large workshop filled with machinery and wooden crates. The number '906' hangs from every second roof beam. Caption reads 'Beverley, Engineering and Smithy'.

Large bay in die shop, HMBB.
Photograph looking down at a large workshop filled with rows of machinery. Caption reads 'Plant 5 Woodville. Large machining[?] bay in Die Shop'.

Small presses, HMBB.
Photograph of men working at two rows of machines. Caption reads 'Holden's Motor Body Works. Small presses for small stamping and accessories'.

Early Plant 10, HMBB, Woodville.
Photograph of men working in a mostly empty large workshop, some on ladders, believed to be constructing the inside of the building. Caption reads 'Early Plant 6?, Woodmill'.

Drop hammers, HMBB, Woodville.
Photograph of machinery in a workshop. Caption reads '3 Steel forging hammers. Drop Hammers S of H Gantry. Plant 5 Woodville. Spanners etc for Tool Kits, Golf Club Heads'.

Shapers woodmill, HMBB, Woodville.
Photograph of four machine bays with extraction vents, standing in a row along a partition, with wooden frames stacked on dollies and tables. Caption reads 'Shapers woodmill, Plant 3, Woodville'.

Holden's Motor Body Builders workshop, Beverley.
Photograph of machinery stations set up in rows in a large workshop, believed to be at Beverley.

Holden's Motor Body Builders power plant, Woodville.
Photograph of a large plant beside dual railway tracks. Caption reads 'Woodville Power Plant showing system of sawdust feed from Plant 3 Woodmill at left to Boiler firing.

Body engineering office, Woodville.
Photograph of a large room with rows of long tables, drafting tables, and a bookcase, with a long blackboard with chalk drawings on it along one length of wall. Caption reads 'Body Eng. Office, Plant 6, Woodville'.

Machinery in the workshop at HMBB.
Photograph of three pieces of machinery in the workshop at Holden's Motor Body Builders Ltd., with windscreen arm vents stacked alongside.

Wooden frames, workshop at HMBB.
Photograph of a section of the workshop at Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited, with machinery and partly contructed wooden frames for car bodies in view.