Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons [BRG 156/6/1-77] • Manuscript

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Part of the Stonyfell olive plantation with the Olive Oil Mill at left centre, Penfolds vineyards and cellars behind. Probably taken in the 1920s'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Part of the Stonyfell Olive Plantation and the Olive Oil Mill about 1935 before the suburbs reached them'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Interior of Olive Oil Mill, with 'Joe Renfrey, Charlie Bradshaw about 1900'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Entrance to the Stonyfell Olive Company plantation, Burnside', with 'Owen Crompton, Bernard Crompton, Frank Lambden' on the driveway, about 1900

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'The Bunyip Soap Company Head Office, Liverpool Building, 49 Flinders Street, Adelaide, 27 February 1940. Photograph by Colin Ballantyne Adelaide'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Company property at 'Beverley'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Sheep- skins at Beverley factory', with a man standing alongside a draught horse and a laden cart of skins

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Packing rabbit skins about 1948, George Riley standing at press'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Our Head Office, Liverpool Building, 49 Flinders Street, Adelaide. We occupy the ground floor and basement ourselves as offices and small stores. The upper floors are let to tenants, most of which are Government Departments as we are situated close to the Treasury building and other Government offices'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'The street front of our skin sorting sheds and fellmongery at Beverley, a suburb about 4 miles west of the city, half way to the Port, as most of our goods go from there by ship'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Sorting rabbit skins, showing portion ready for shipment. Note the old JC brand on the bales- a carry over from Grandfather's day'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'A further view of rabbitskin sorting. Note Alan over the top of the bale'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Loading sheepskins for overseas shipment'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Sheepskin sorting shed, Beverley'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Our horse-drawn "wheelbarrow" which is used for carting skins from the long drying sheds where there are something over 30 miles of racks, into sorting and packing sheds'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Packed sheepskins awaiting shipment', with view of interior of shed and several staff

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Fellmongery - stripping wool from the pelt', with a number of employees pictured

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Street frontage of our soap works - The Bunyip Soap Co. Ltd which is about half way between the city and the skin yards', showing a truck laden with boxes of Bunyip soap

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photograph by Krischock Studios. 'Packing soap powders. At the moment 'OxySuds' our oxygen washer'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

A man sealing wooden crates of Crompton's OxySuds

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'The Stonyfell Olive Company plantation, quite close to the Stonyfell house, looking from the hillside over the plains to the City with the crushing mill showing at about the centre of the plantation. This only shows a very small section of the plantation as it slopes a long way to the right and contains in all about 10,000 trees'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Picking olives. Most of this work is done by Italians as they seem to have an in-bred capacity for it'. Photograph by Krischock Studios

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'First process in the manufacture of olive oil. Crushing the berries to a pulp which looks very much like blackberry jam at the end of the process. This pulp is then packed in flat folded cloths which are stacked in powerful hydraulic presses which press out the oil. The oil is then settled and filtered before bottling'. Douglas Slape at the Chilean Mill

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Interior of the soapworks factory showing men working at the moulding equipment

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Man working at a large vat, 'making tallow for the soap'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

view of Crompton & Sons Head Office in Liverpool Building, Flinders Street. Advertisement for Oxy Suds on the side wall

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

view of Crompton & Sons Head Office in Liverpool Building, Flinders Street. Advertisement for Oxy Suds on the side wall

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Staff 1961/62'. Group photograph of staff with over 20 years service, for Centenary booklet, 1962. [Names listed on verso of original photograph do not match names in the booklet], back row, left to right: Ralph Griffin, Arthur Pearce, Bill Letcher, Hector McKinnon, Ken A'Court, George Stokes, Gordon Grunert, Ross Masters, Keith Price. Front row, left to right: Charlie Caller, Harry Smith, Reg Wilson, Jack Pearson, W.J. Isbell, Bill Neiass, Bob Francisco

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Charles Crompton'

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

Photographs and slides relating to the business interests of Crompton & Sons

'Alan Crompton, died 2010'