The Arthur Studio : SUMMARY RECORD [BRG 347] • Photograph

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of girls hockey team.

High School tennis team

High School tennis team

The girl's tennis team at the Mount Gambier High School, pictured in the school yard.

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of girls athlete team.

Mount Gambier High School Softball Team

Mount Gambier High School Softball Team

Mount Gambier High School Softball Team. Standing L-R: J. Kerslake, V. Reeves, M. Crouch, H. Kerslake, P. McLean. Sitting L-R: Shirley Pettingill, Margaret Taylor, Enid Crafter (Capt.) U. Evans, M. Guerin, B. Holloway.

Mount Gambier High School Basketball Team

Mount Gambier High School Basketball Team

Mount Gambier High School Basketball Team. Standing L-R: N. Schleter, A. Goodes, E. Crafter. Sitting L-R: J. Kerslake, U. Evans, H. Kerslake (Capt.), E. Poulton, S. Sprengel.

Primary School Class

Primary School Class

Photograph of girls' primary school class with head master Mr D.J. Corry and a female teacher.

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of girls softball team. Back row, l to r: Heather Simpson, Beth Goodes, Audrey Ferguson, Patricia Watson, Margaret Medhurst. Front row: Nancy Hellyer, Gladys Harrap, Jean German, Shirley Crouch, Norma Kilsby.

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of girls hockey team. Back row, L to R: ?, Nancy Hellyer, Audrey Ferguson, Gwenda Hein, Peggy Nichol, Margaret Mitchell, Margaret Finnis, Ruth Helmore. Front row: Brenda Neale, Pat McLean, Heather Simpson, Jean German, Shirley Crouch, Maureen Ploenges.

Mount Gambier High School Debating Team

Mount Gambier High School Debating Team

Mount Gambier High School Debating Team, L-R Ann Miller, Una Evans, Robert Aston, Peter Millhouse.

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of senior girls netball team. Back row, l to r: Jean Tucker, Valmai Richens, Mitzi Freeman, Patricia Watson. Front row: Gladys Harrap, Betty Millowick, Verna Schleter, Sylvia Balnaves.

Mount Gambier High School Cricket Team

Mount Gambier High School Cricket Team

Mount Gambier High School Cricket Team. Standing L-R: J. Allen, R. Ryan, M. Haines, P. Thomson, R. Hogg. Sitting L-R: R. Martiensen, J. Smith, N. Hogg, I. Allen (Capt.), J. Holland, G. Ellis.

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of boys baseball team.

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of boys cricket team.

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of boys athletic team.

Mount Gambier High School Football Team

Mount Gambier High School Football Team

Mount Gambier High School Football Team. Back Row L-R: R. Sturgess, Ralph Morrish, R. Ryan, J. Holland, R. Hinton, P. Thompson. Third Row L-R: L.Laslett, P. Mitchell, D. Jennings, M. Agnew, N. McDonald, R. Ralston, G. Kenny. Second Row L-R: J. Allen, J. Smith, Noel Hogg, Andy Sutherland (Capt.), A. Pegler, R. Hogg. Front Row L-R: B. Roberts, L. Gilbert.

High School Sports Team

High School Sports Team

Photograph of boy's tennis team.

Showground, Mount Gambier

Showground, Mount Gambier

Photograph of event at the Mount Gambier showground.

Horse drawn wagon

Horse drawn wagon

Photograph of wagon pulled by team of six horses.



Photograph of wheat wagon pulled by team of six horses.

Basil G. Watson

Basil G. Watson

Photograph of post card depicting Basil G. Watson with words stating "Mount Gambier 14th February 1917. Today we witnessed with many hundreds of others MG Basil Watson's flight in own built machine. The performance was held at Mount Gambier race course. The day was very wet which made the outing very unpleasant. The aviator was often lost in the low clouds. This is the first flight at the Mount. This card will be leaving here tomorrow (Thurs) to be carried by aeroplane to Melbourne. Heavy thunderstorm set in upon return from flight."

Military visitors in Mount Gambier

Military visitors in Mount Gambier

Photograph of two vintage cars with military visitors and locals outside a verandah.

Bay Road and T. H. Varcoe's foundry, Mount Gambier

Bay Road and T. H. Varcoe's foundry, Mount Gambier

Photograph of two views of roads in Mount Gambier. Comprising the T.H. Varcoe Iron and Brass Foundry on Ferrers Street [top], and a view of Bay Road Mt Gambier, looking South.

Race course at Mount Gambier

Race course at Mount Gambier

Photograph of a horse race at Mount Gambier race course with horse drawn ambulance in background.

Ploughing at Yahl

Ploughing at Yahl

Photograph of a team of twelve horses ploughing at Yahl.

Family group with car

Family group with car

Photograph of adults and children with car.

Procession in Mount Gambier

Procession in Mount Gambier

Copy of an old photograph of a procession moving through the streets of Mount Gambier, Taken from a vantage position, th photograph looks down on an intersection with the parade of carriages and horsemen going round the corner.

In front of Banner Building

In front of Banner Building

Photograph of group of firemen with fire engine.

Brass Band

Brass Band

Photograph of Mount Gambier brass band.

South East Sawmill

South East Sawmill

Photograph of South East Sawmill depicting bullock trains, horses and wagon and workers.

Woman and two children

Woman and two children

Photograph of woman and two children. Embroidered details of clothing visible.