The Arthur Studio : SUMMARY RECORD [BRG 347] • Photograph

L.F. Elliott

L.F. Elliott

Photograph of L.F. Elliott taken in 1940, wearing his uniform of the Royal Australian Navy while posted to HMAS Cerberus. (Lance Frederick Elliott, born in Mount Gambier in 1923, enlisted in the R.A.N. in 1940 and was discharged in May 1953, his last posting on HMAS Lonsdale).

Jack Hopgood

Jack Hopgood

Photograph of Jack Hopgood taken in 1940, wearing his uniform of the Royal Australian Air Force. Jack Richard Hopgood was born in Mount Gambier in 1920 and enlisted in the R.A.A.F in 1940. He was discharged in February 1946 with the rank of Colonel, his last posting at 4 Personnel Depot.

Nangwarry Cricket Club

Nangwarry Cricket Club

Photograph of members of the Nangwarry Cricket Club taken in 1946.

South Gambier Football Club

South Gambier Football Club

Photograph of members of the South Gambier Football Club taken in 1947. Arch Ryan (aged 24) is standing on the left in the back row, with sleeves rolled up under his footy jumper to give the appearance of arm muscles.

Glencoe Football Team

Glencoe Football Team

Photograph of members of the Glencoe Football Club, premiers in 1949.

Mount Gambier South "B" Football Team

Mount Gambier South "B" Football Team

Photograph of members of the Mount Gambier "B" Football Team who were premiers in 1930.

Wandilo Cricket team

Wandilo Cricket team

Photograph of members of the Wandilo Cricket Team.

Glencoe Cricket Club

Glencoe Cricket Club

Photograph of members of the Glencoe Cricket Team in 1951.

Yahl Cricket Club

Yahl Cricket Club

Photograph of members and officials of the Yahl Cricket Club in 1951.

Kongorong Cricket Club

Kongorong Cricket Club

Photograph of members of the Kongorong Cricket Club in 1949. The team mascot is seated next to the Country Cricket Association Trophy Shield which was sponsored by Fidler and Webb Ltd.

Kongorong Cricket Club

Kongorong Cricket Club

Photograph of members of the Kongorong Cricket Club in 1949 with their team mascot. One of the players present is a Mr Ashby.

North Gambier Football Team

North Gambier Football Team

Photograph of members and officials of the North (Mount) Gambier Football teams in 1949.

South Gambier Cricket Club

South Gambier Cricket Club

Photograph of members of the South Gambier Cricket Club taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1952.

Cricket Association of Mount Gambier

Cricket Association of Mount Gambier

Photograph of members from the Cricket Association of Mount Gambier taken in 1948.

Mount Schank Cricket Club

Mount Schank Cricket Club

Photograph of members from the Mt Schank Cricket Club taken in 1952.

Kongorong Cricket Club

Kongorong Cricket Club

Photograph of members from the Kongorong Cricket Club taken in 1950.

South Gambier Cricket Club

South Gambier Cricket Club

Photograph of members from the South Gambier Cricket Club taken in 1952.

Yahl Cricket Club

Yahl Cricket Club

Photograph of members from the Yahl Cricket Club taken in 1952. Their young mascot holds a cricket ball.

Cricket Club from the South East of South Australia

Cricket Club from the South East of South Australia

Photograph of members from a Cricket Club in the South East of South Australia taken in 1947.

Cricket Club team

Cricket Club team

Photograph of members from a Cricket Club in the South East of South Australia taken in 1947.

Glencoe Cricket Club

Glencoe Cricket Club

Photograph of members from the Glencoe Cricket Club taken in 1947.

Cricket Club from the South East of South Australia

Cricket Club from the South East of South Australia

Photograph of members from a Cricket Club in the South East of South Australia taken in 1948.

South Gambier Football Club

South Gambier Football Club

Photograph of members, mascots and officials from the South Gambier Football Club standing in front of their banner in 1948. Arch Ryan is in the second from back row, 7th from the left.

Tantanoola Football Club

Tantanoola Football Club

Photograph of the 1948 premier football team members from the Tantanoola Football Club with their trophy and tiger mascot.

South Gambier Football Club

South Gambier Football Club

Photograph of players and officials from the South Gambier Football Club taken in 1951. Arch Ryan is 2nd row from the back 2nd person in from the left.

Tantanoola Football Club

Tantanoola Football Club

Photograph of players from the Tantanoola Football Club taken in 1951.

South Gambier Cricket Club

South Gambier Cricket Club

Photograph of members of the South Gambier Cricket Club taken in 1950.

Tantanoola Football Club

Tantanoola Football Club

Photograph of members of the Tantanoola Football Club taken in 1951.

Mt. Schank Cricket Club

Mt. Schank Cricket Club

Photograph of members of the Mt Schank Cricket Club taken in 1956.

Tarpeena Football Club

Tarpeena Football Club

Photograph of members and officials of the Tarpeena Football Club taken in 1957.