The Arthur Studio : SUMMARY RECORD [BRG 347] • Photograph

Rowe children

Rowe children

Photograph of the Rowe siblings taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. The girl and the boy are possibly in their early teenage years.

W.V. Rogers

W.V. Rogers

Photograph of Vin and Major Rogers in suits taken in the studio in 1950. [Information provided by Colleen Hammat].

F. Dixon

F. Dixon

Photograph of a man and woman taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. One of the two may be F. Dixon.

Mrs Elkins and her baby

Mrs Elkins and her baby

Photograph of Mrs Elkins looking at her baby in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950.The baby who is approximately five months old is resting on an exquisitely crocheted shawl.

H.A. Day

H.A. Day

Photograph of a man and woman taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. One of the two may be H.A. Day.

R.A. Dixon

R.A. Dixon

Photograph of a young man and a young lady taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. One of them may be R.A. Dixon.

K.M. Fowler

K.M. Fowler

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Fowler and their adult son taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. Mr Fowler is wearing a three piece suit with a fob watch and chain. Both the men are wearing lapel pins.

Mr and Mrs Rowe and children

Mr and Mrs Rowe and children

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Rowe and their son and daughter taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. See also BRG 347/6097.

Three children dressed for an occasion

Three children dressed for an occasion

Studio photograph of three little children dressed for a special occasion in 1950. The girl is older and is wearing a long tiered dress and carries a posy. The two little boys are dressed in waistcoats and tails and carry gloves.

J. Foster

J. Foster

Photograph of two ladies wearing spotted dresses sitting in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. One of the ladies may be J. Foster.

Drougenelle family

Drougenelle family

Photograph of Mr and Mrs Drougenelle and their adult son and daughter taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950.

R.M. Doody

R.M. Doody

Photograph of a young man and woman taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. One of the two may be R.M. Doody. The woman is wearing a hat with flowers.

Drewitt children

Drewitt children

Studio photograph of three sisters and a brother from the Drewitt family taken in 1950. Their ages range from around three to nine.

Duigan children

Duigan children

Photograph of three children from the Duigan family taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. The older sister is Anne, the child holding the teddy bear is Michael, the baby Richard.

Clayson family

Clayson family

Studio photograph of Mr and Mrs Clayson and their two sons taken in 1950. The boys are approximately five years old and nine months old.

Clayson children

Clayson children

Studio photograph of the two Clayson brothers who are approximately five years old and nine months old. See also BRG 347/6038.

Mrs Walker and her children

Mrs Walker and her children

Studio photograph of Mrs Walker and her daughter and son taken in 1950. The girl is approximately seven years old and the boy is approximately four years old. Mrs Walker is wearing a dark dress with stitched or embroidered flowers across the front.

Copping children

Copping children

Photograph of two girls and a boy from the Copping family taken in the studio in 1950. The girls are approximately five years old and seven months old and their brother is approximately three years old.

C.J. Edwards

C.J. Edwards

Photograph of a young man and woman taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. One of the two may be C.J. Edwards.

Two young boys in white jackets and bow ties

Two young boys in white jackets and bow ties

Photograph of two young boys wearing white jackets and bow ties. One of them may be J. Edwards and they are approximately thirteen and ten years old.

H.E. Woodligh

H.E. Woodligh

Photograph of Mrs Woodligh and her daughter taken in the studio in 1950. The girl is approximately twelve years old.

F.A. Wicker

F.A. Wicker

Photograph of Mrs Wicker with her baby standing on her lap taken in the studio in 1950.

Wilkinson children

Wilkinson children

Photograph of Dorothy, Stuart, Robert and Malcolm Wilkinson taken in the studio in 1950. Their ages range from about three to seven. The family lived near Naracoorte and Mt. Burr.

Young Walker sisters

Young Walker sisters

Photograph of the Walker sisters taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. They are approximately four years old and nine months old. The baby is wearing a knitted dress.

Wilson children

Wilson children

Photograph of four teenage children from the Wilson family taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. There are three girls and a boy.

Frank Wright

Frank Wright

Photograph of Frank Wright and a woman taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950.

R.J. Turner

R.J. Turner

Photograph of a young couple, one of which is R.J. Turner taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950.

Dean and Ann Tompkins

Dean and Ann Tompkins

Photograph of Dean Tompkins and his baby sister Ann, taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1950. Dean is approximately five years old and Ann, who has a curl on the top of her head, is approximately seven months old. The baby is wearing a knitted dress and booties. Ann and Dean are the children of Robert Edward Tompkins and wife Rhonda (nee Battye), of Millicent.

Tregenza children

Tregenza children

Photograph of an older sister and her two younger brothers taken in 1950. The two older children are wearing their school uniforms.

Young Taylor brothers

Young Taylor brothers

Studio photograph of three brothers from the Taylor family, aged from about ten to fifteen. They are all wearing jackets with lapel pins and ties.