The Arthur Studio : SUMMARY RECORD [BRG 347] • Photograph

Ronald Keith Busbridge

Ronald Keith Busbridge

Photograph of Mr Ronald Keith Busbridge in the uniform of the Royal Australian Army. Service number: SX14154, Staff Sergeant.

O'Flerty (?)

O'Flerty (?)

Photograph of O'Flerty (?) in army uniform.

E.J. Kent

E.J. Kent

Photograph of E.J. Kent in army uniform.

William Edward Koop

William Edward Koop

Photograph of Mr William Edward Koop in the uniform of the Royal Australian Army. Service number: SX11958.

Donald James Ludwig

Donald James Ludwig

Photograph of Donald James Ludwig in army uniform. SX32103 (S5595).

McGillvray, N.R

McGillvray, N.R

Photograph of Mr N.R. McGillvray in the uniform of the Royal Australian Army.

A.H. McKay

A.H. McKay

Photograph of A.H. McKay in army uniform.

L.L. Parson

L.L. Parson

Photograph of L.L. Parson in army uniform.

E.A. Punnell

E.A. Punnell

Photograph of E.A.Punnell in army uniform.

J. Peters

J. Peters

Photograph of J. Peters in army uniform.

D.J. McDonald

D.J. McDonald

Photograph of D.J. McDonald in army uniform.

Ivor James Pahl

Ivor James Pahl

Photograph of Ivor James Pahl in army uniform. Service number: SX20068 (S6571), Sapper.

Murray Edmund Pratten

Murray Edmund Pratten

Photograph of Murray Edmund Pratten in army uniform. Service number: 416994, Pilot Officer. He died at sea 22 May 1944 as an Air Force Pilot. He initially enlisted in the Army, with the Service Number S6523.

Arthur Rex Pycroft

Arthur Rex Pycroft

Photograph of Arthur Rex Pycroft in army uniform. Service number: SX15298, Staff Sergeant.

Selwyn Frank Pearse

Selwyn Frank Pearse

Photograph of Mr Selwyn Frank Pearse in army uniform. Service number: 39344, Leading Aircraftman.

Pigrans, A.R. [?]

Pigrans, A.R. [?]

Photograph of Mr A.R. Pigrans [?] in army uniform.

Lionel Thomas Sneath

Lionel Thomas Sneath

Photograph of Lionel Thomas Sneath in army uniform. Service number: S6684.

G.H. Smith

G.H. Smith

Photograph of G.H. Smith in army uniform.

Regniar C.W. [?]

Regniar C.W. [?]

Photograph of Mr C.W. Regniar [?] in army uniform.

A.R. Scorn

A.R. Scorn

Photograph of A.R. Scorn in army uniform.

K. Martin

K. Martin

Photograph of K. Martin in army uniform.

R. Marshall & friend

R. Marshall & friend

Photograph of R. Marshall (left) and friend in army uniform.

R.J. Marshall

R.J. Marshall

Photograph of R.J. Marshall in army uniform.

Mahoney, A

Mahoney, A

Photograph of Mr A. Mahoney in army uniform.

Dougald George Steff

Dougald George Steff

Photograph of Dougald George Steff in army uniform. Service number: SX21641 (S6593).

Downs, K.A

Downs, K.A

Photograph of Mr K.A. Downs in army uniform.

Jack Victor Mertin

Jack Victor Mertin

Photograph of Jack Victor Mertin in army uniform. Service number: S31560.

Soldier Laidlaw

Soldier Laidlaw

Photograph of Mr Laidlaw in army uniform.

Smith, W.L

Smith, W.L

Photograph of Mr W.L. Smith in army uniform.

Malcolm James Talbot

Malcolm James Talbot

Photograph of Malcolm James Talbot in army uniform. Service number: VX27361.