Old colonists 1836-1840 [mosaic] [B 8235/1] • Photograph

Old colonists 1836-1840 : George Stevenson
George Stevenson arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Newspaper editor and private secretary to Governor Hindmarsh.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : William Edward Everard
William Edward Everard arrived in South Australia in November 1836 on board the ship the "Africaine". Pastoralist, company director, financier, Member of Parliament, Ashford.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Charles John Everard
Charles John Everard arrived in South Australia in November 1836 on board the ship the "Africaine". Pastoralist, Member of Parliament, 'Marshfield', Everard Park.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Patrick Boyce Coglin
Patrick Boyce Coglin arrived in South Australia in 1836 on board the ship the "Lady Liverpool" from Tasmania. Landowner, pastoralist, Member of Parliament.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Arthur Fydell Lindsay
Arthur Fydell Lindsay arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Engineer, surveyor, farmer, Member of Parliament, Encounter Bay.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Henry Broadbent
Henry Broadbent arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Storekeeper, storeman, salesman, Adelaide.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John Snoswell
John Snoswell arrived in South Australia in November 1836 on board the ship the "Africaine". Boat builder, school teacher, publican, Port Adelaide.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John Frank Thorn
John Frank Thorn arrived in South Australia in August 1836 on board the ship the "Rapid". Seaman, labourer, Findon.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : G. White
The photographic composite (mosaic) B 8235/1 holds 708 portraits. A further 27 in the upper left section are missing due to damage. (An unnamed portrait has been placed in the gap at B 8235 23E, instead of the portrait of John Moore missing due to damage .) A newspaper article that refers to the donation of the mosaic to the Public Library of South Australia in 1894 by Mr CH Hussey of Port Elliot states that it was damaged when Duryea's studio was destroyed by fire on 18 April 1875. (The Advertiser, 17 November 1910.) Mr Hussey's portrait is at B 8235/1 1A.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Elijah Broadbent
Elijah Broadbent arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Farmer, Cherry Gardens.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John James Breaker
John James Breaker arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Mason, Belair.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Joseph Morris
Joseph Morris arrived in South Australia in June 1838 on board the ship the "Eden".

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Thomas Jackson
Thomas Jackson arrived in South Australia in 1840 on board the ship the "Charlotte" from Launceston, Tasmania. Labourer, Payneham.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Thomas Robert Burt Daniel
Thomas Robert Burt Daniel arrived in South Australia in February 1837 on board the ship the "John Renwick". Baker, farmer; Alberton, Two Wells, Port Gawler, Reedbeds.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John William Adams, Jnr
John William Adams, Jnr arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Boot maker, farmer; Hindmarsh, St Marys, Bull Creek.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Henry Briggs, Snr
Henry Briggs, Snr arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Tam O'Shanter". Dispenser, Adelaide Hospital.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Daniel Cox
Daniel Cox arrived in South Australia in November 1836 on board the ship the "Africaine". Hutkeeper, farmer, Morphett Vale, Koolunga.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : James Stone
James Stone arrived in South Australia in September 1836 on board the ship the "Cygnet". Surveyors' labourer, farmer, Bull's Creek.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Benjamin Grove Fuller
Benjamin Grove Fuller arrived in South Australia in December 1837 on board the ship the "Navarino". Carpenter, builder, river trader; Adelaide, Mount Barker, Swanport, Milang, Morgan.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John Monck
John Monck arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Sexton, West Terrace Cemetery.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : John William Adams, Snr
John William Adams, Snr arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Boot maker, farmer; Hindmarsh, St Marys, Bull Creek.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : James Cronk
James Cronk arrived in South Australia in November 1836 on board the ship the "Africaine". Labourer, native interpreter, farmer, Adelaide, Dry Creek, Modbury.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : George Solomon
Probably George Solomon arrived in South Australia in 1837 overland from New South Wales. Carter, whaler, miner, storekeeper; Adelaide, Encounter Bay, Talisker, Delamere.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Charles Simeon Hare
Charles Simeon Hare arrived in South Australia in October 1836 on board the ship the "Emma". Contractor, comptroller of convicts, mine manager, Member of Parliament.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Sir George Strickland Kingston
Sir George Strickland Kingston arrived in South Australia in September 1836 on board the ship the "Cygnet". Surveyor, architect, Member of Parliament.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Sir John Hindmarsh
Sir John Hindmarsh arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". First Governor of South Australia.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Governor George Gawler
Governor George Gawler arrived in South Australia in October 1838 on board the ship the "Pestonjee Bomanjee". Second Governor of South Australia.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Sir John Morphett
Sir John Morphett arrived in South Australia in September 1836 on board the ship the "Cygnet". Merchant and pastoralist, Member of Parliament.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Hon. Boyle Travers Finniss
Hon. Boyle Travers Finniss arrived in South Australia in September 1836 on board the ship the "Cygnet". Surveyor, police commissioner, Member of Parliament, first Premier of South Australia.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Charles Bonney
Charles Bonney arrived in South Australia in 1838 overland from New South Wales via Victoria. Pastoralist, Member of Parliament, civil servant.