Photographs of Hammond [B 78602/1-9] • Photograph

Abandoned buildings along a road in Hammond.
Two empty stone buildings with corrugated iron rooves and verandahs, with road leading off towards the distant Flinders Ranges. Purple wildflowers grow by the side of the road.

Buildings with dilapidated verandah.
Terraced buildings sharing a sagging corrugated iron verandah along a dirt road with weeds, in the town of Hammond.

Old shop with signs in Hammond.
Old shops built of wood and corrugated iron, with broken and boarded up window panes. Ads for products including Laurel Kerosene, Lifebuoy Health Soap, Lux, Mobiloil and Plume Motor Spirit decorate the building.

Stone farmhouse, Hammond.
Abandoned farmhouse with stone walls, corrugated iron roof and two chimneys sits among green weed clumps and near a red earth path. The Flinders Ranges are visible on the horizon.

Old houses, Hammond.
Several old stone buildings, two in good condition and one without a roof.

Corner building, Hammond.
An stone building with red iron roof on a street corner in Hammond. Two small dogs stand in the street outside.

Abandoned buildings, Hammond .
Several empty stone buildings along a bitumen road in Hammond, South Australia. A red 1970s car is parked in the street, and a woman wearing red flares crosses the road.

Old house, Hammond.
A stone house with corrugated iron roof. Weeds encroach on the verandah.

Street scene, Hammond.
Several empty buildings along a street, with empty land and wildflowers in the foreground. A 1970s Holden station wagon is parked on the street.