Contemporary Life collection albums [B 7798] • Photograph

Men's hurdle race
Men competing in a hurdle race.

Men's hurdle race
Men competing in a hurdle race.

Men's hurdle race
Men competing in a hurdle race.

D.A. Grubb competing in a hurdle race
S.A. Junior and Senior 120 yards hurdle champion, D.A. Grubb, competing in a race, 21 February 1962.

Women's hurdle race
Two women completing in a hurdle race.

Women's hurdle race
A woman completing in a hurdle race.

Indoor cricket match
A young man takes a turn at batting during an indoor cricket match.

Labour Day procession at Port Adelaide
View of three horse-drawn floats in the Labour Day procession at Port Adelaide. In the foreground is a decorated horse drawn cart with a trade union banner in it; the banner doesn't identify the group but reads 'Our day of celebration - onward'. A number of men are walking beside the cart to support the banner. This is followed by a horse drawn vehicle carry a large group of men, followed by another cart which is carrying the banner of the Federated Seamen's Union of Australasia - S.A. Branch'.

Labour Day procession at Port Adelaide
View of floats in the Labour Day procession at Port Adelaide, October 1940. According to a researcher, this is Commercial Road, Port Adelaide: Smiths Motor Co., Whyte's Re-treading business, Masonic Hall, Russell Street and Port Adelaide Telephone Exchange are on the right.

Lacrosse goalie
A goalie in position in front of the goal during a game of lacrosse.

Lacrosse players
Action shot of players during a lacrosse match.

Lacrosse players
Action shot of players during a lacrosse match.

Lacrosse players
Action shot of players during a lacrosse match.

Cultivating at Laffer's vineyard
A Land Army girl working a cultivator at Laffer's vineyard at Sturt.

Grape pruning lessons
Grape pruning lessons for four members of the Women's Land Army.

Grape picking at Hamilton's vineyard, Marion
A member of the Land Army picking grapes at Hamilton's vineyards at Marion.

Hand milking a cow
A member of the Land Army milking a cow on a mixed farm at Sturt.

Pruning tomato plants
Recruits to the Land Army pruning tomato plants at Hersey Brothers property at Sturt.

Picking an almond crop at Marion
Land Army girls picking an almond crop at Hamilton's vineyards at Marion.

Picking grapes at Laffer's vineyard
Land Army girls picking grapes at Laffer's vineyard at Sturt.

Working with a rotary hoe
A Land Army girl working with a rotary hoe in a tomato crop at Hersey Brothers at Sturt.

Girls working at Laffer's vineyard
Land Army girls at Laffer's vineyard at Sturt, with draft horses used to cultivate the vines.

Women postal workers
Two women employed by the Postmaster General's office for collecting and delivering mail.

Levee at Government House
A group of men in academic gowns walking across the lawns of Government House.

Levee at Government House
A long line of men curving around the driveway at Government House.

Levee at Government House
The Governor, Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Norrie, inspects the guard of honour at the birthday levee at Government House.

Life saving demonstration
A team of eight life savers in formation on the beach.

Life saving demonstration
The Brighton Girls' Team with a man and a number of trophies on the beach at the Royal Life Saving Championship Beach Carnival.

Surf life saving competition
An alarm reel race at the opening the Brighton Life Saving Club.

Surf life saving competition
Two members of the Brighton Life Saving Club on opening day - Marjorie May and Winnie Wood.