Visit of Queen Elizabeth to Adelaide [B 77406/1-15] • Photograph

Plane taxiing on tarmac.

Plane taxiing on tarmac.

The plane carrying the Queen arriving at Adelaide Airport.

The Queen at the top of the steps.

The Queen at the top of the steps.

The Queen emerging from the plane 'City of Sydney'.

The Queen and Prince Philip.

The Queen and Prince Philip.

The Queen and Prince Philip emerging from the plane 'City of Sydney'.

Dignitaries waiting on the tarmac.

Dignitaries waiting on the tarmac.

Angela Bannon, John Bannon and other dignitaries waiting for the Queen to arrive.

Greeting the Queen.

Greeting the Queen.

Dame Roma Mitchell, Angela Bannon and John Bannon greet the Queen on the tarmac.

Angela Bannon curtseying to the Queen.

Angela Bannon curtseying to the Queen.

The official party welcoming the Queen and Prince Philip.

Presenting a posy.

Presenting a posy.

Two small boys on the tarmac presenting the Queen with a posy.

The Queen pausing on her walkabout.

The Queen pausing on her walkabout.

The Queen being greeted by well wishers.

The Queen.

The Queen.

The Queen, flanked by police on one side and Dame Roma Mitchell on the other.

The Queen being greeted by well wishers.

The Queen being greeted by well wishers.

The Queen with her Lady in Waiting and Dame Roma Mitchell.

The Queen leaning in to receive good wishes from the crowd.

The Queen leaning in to receive good wishes from the crowd.

An enthusiastic crowd greeting the Queen.

The Queen looking down at young supporters.

The Queen looking down at young supporters.

The Queen, followed by Dame Roma Mitchell and the other members of the official party.

Prince Philip.

Prince Philip.

Prince Philip on the walkabout at Adelaide Airport.

The Queen with her Lady in Waiting.

The Queen with her Lady in Waiting.

The Queen handing posies of flowers to her Lady in Waiting.

The Queen with bunches of flowers.

The Queen with bunches of flowers.

The Queen surrounded be media, police and officials on the tarmac at Adelaide Airport.