Aerial photographs of the city of Charles Sturt: Henley Beach [B 75701/1-16] • Photograph

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking north-east, with the Henley Beach Jetty in the foreground and Henley Square on the foreshore, St Michael's College and oval in the distance on the right, and the Royal Adelaide Golf Club in the distance on the left.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking north-east, with the ocean and beach in the foreground and the houses along the Esplanade, and the Star of the Sea School and oval in the centre.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking east towards the Adelaide Hills, with a view of Adelaide CBD in the distance, the Henley Beach jetty and Henley Square on the foreshore, Henley High School and ovals in the centre, and the Adelaide Airport on the right.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking north-east from the intersection of Seaview Road and Marlborough Street, with Grange Primary School in the distance.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking east, showing the beach in the foreground, with the intersection of Seaview Road and Marlborough Street at the bottom left, Fulham Gardens Primary School in the distance on the left, St Michael's College in the centre, and Fulham North Primary School in the distance.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking north-east from the intersection of Grange Road and Seaview Road, with the beach on the left, Grange Golf Course in the distance on the left, and the Royal Adelaide Golf Course in the distance on the right, with the Grange Primary School and oval in the centre.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking east towards the Adelaide Hills with a view of the Adelaide CBD in the distance, showing the beach in the foreground, Fulham Gardens Primary School in the centre, and St Michael's College on the right.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking west towards the ocean, with Henley Beach Jetty on the left, Henley High School and ovals on the right, and a large sports oval in the centre.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking south down the coast, with the ocean on the right, Henley High School in the centre, and a large sports oval in the foreground on the right, and Fulham North Primary School on the left.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking west towards the ocean, with the Henley Beach Jetty in the centre, Henley Beach Road along the left with Henley High School in the centre, and Fulham North Primary School and St Michael's College on the right.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking west towards the ocean, with Henley Beach Primary School on the far left, Henley Beach Road through the centre, and the Henley Beach Jetty and Henley High School on the right.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking north-west, with Henley Beach Jetty on the beach in the foreground, and Grange Jetty visible in the distance on the right, with Henley High School in the centre, and St Michael's College on the right.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking west towards the ocean from the round-about at the intersection of Henley Beach Road and Seaview Road, with the Henley Beach Jetty in the centre.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking north-west, with the Henley Beach Jetty and Henley Square on the left.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view of Henley Beach, looking north along the coast with Grange in the centre and the USC Lion Soccer Club and West Lakes in the distance.

Aerial view of Henley Beach.
Aerial view from Henley Beach looking north along the coast, with Grange Jetty on the left, USC Lion Soccer Club and West Lakes on the left, the Grange Golf Club, West Lakes shopping centre and AAMI stadium in the centre, and views of Port Adelaide in the distance.