Aerial photographs of the city of Charles Sturt: West Lakes Shore [B 75689/1-8] • Photograph

Aerial view of West Lakes Shore.
Aerial view of West Lakes Shore, looking north-east, with Delfin Island in the centre, the SMOSH West Lakes Junior Football Club and oval and Jubilee Reserve on the far left, edge of the West Lakes Golf Club on the far right, and the beach in the foreground.

Aerial view of West Lakes Shore.
Aerial view of West Lakes Shore, looking north-east, with Port Adelaide and Torrens Island in the distance, Delfin Island and West Lakes on the right, Jubilee Reserve and the SMOSH West Lakes Junior Football Club and oval on the left, showing the intersection of West Lakes Boulevard and Military Road and the beach in the foreground.

Aerial view of West Lakes Shore.
Aerial view of West Lakes Shore, looking north-east towards Port Adelaide in the distance on the right, with West Lakes Shore Primary School and kindergarten on the left, and Jubilee Reserve and West Lakes Tennis and Bowling Clubs in the centre, with SMOSH West Lakes Junior Football Club and oval, and the intersection of Military Road and West Lakes Boulevard and the beach in the foreground.

Aerial view of West Lakes Shore.
Aerial view of West Lakes Shore, looking east towards West Lakes, with Delfin Island in the centre, the intersection of Military Road and West Lakes Boulevard in the foreground near the foreshore, West Lakes Golf Club on the left, and AAMI Stadium and West Lakes shopping centre on the right.

Aerial view of West Lakes Shore.
Aerial view of West Lakes Shore, looking west towards the ocean, with Jubilee Reserve and Delfin Island on the right, Westport Primary school and oval in the centre, Port Malcolm Reserve and Fort Glanville Conservation Park along the foreshore, Bower Road on the far right and Boating Lake in the foreground.

Aerial view of West Lakes Shore.
Aerial view of West Lakes Shore, looking west towards the ocean, with the foreshore in the background, West Lakes Shore Primary School and Kindergarten, Jubilee Reserve and West Lakes Tennis and Bowling Clubs, and the SMOSH West Lakes football club and oval in the centre.

Aerial view of West Lakes Shore.
Aerial view of West Lakes Shore, looking north towards North Haven and Outer Harbor in the distance, with the coast along the left, Jubilee Reserve bottom left, and Westport Primary School and Port Adelaide on the right.

Aerial view of West Lakes Shore.
Aerial view of West Lakes Shore, looking north-east, with Westport Primary School in the foreground, Port Adelaide on the right and Torrens Island in the distance on the right, and Outer Harbor on the left.