Aerial photographs of the city of Alexandrina: Port Elliot [B 75683/1-32] • Photograph
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards the ocean.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards the ocean, with Middleton on the left, and hills in the foreground.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards the ocean, with hills in the foreground.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north towards hills, with Watson Gap in the foreground, Port Elliot Road across the centre, and Brickyard Road down the middle.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north towards hills in the background, with Ocean Road across the foreshore.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north towards hills in the background, showing Ocean Road along the foreshore, and construction work underway in what is now Boomer Drive and Chitton Court.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north towards hills in the distance, showing Barbara street along the foreshore, and the Port Elliot oval in the centre.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north towards hills in the distance, showing Rosetta Terrace through the centre, and Barbara Street along the foreshore, with Port Elliot oval in the middle.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north, with Green Bay in the foreground, and Merrilli Place behind, with the Port Elliot oval visible in the distance.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north, with Green Bay and Rocky Bay in the foreground, with Merrilli Place and the Esplanade behind and tennis courts visible in the background.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north-west, with Ladys Bay and Horseshoe Bay on the right, and Rocky Bay and Green Bay on the left, and Freeman Lookout and Port Elliot Obelisk visible in the centre.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north-west, with the jetty and beach at Horseshoe Bay in the foreground, Port Elliot Obelisk on the left, and town oval visible in the distance.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north, showing the beach and jetty of Horseshoe Bay in the foreground, with the Bowling Club along the beach, and the town oval and hills visible in the distance.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north from Horseshoe Bay, with the Bowling Club and park along the foreshore, and view of hills in the distance.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north-west from Commodore Point towards Horseshoe Bay on the left, with Port Elliot Holiday Park in the centre.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking west towards Hayborough and Victor Harbor, with Commodore Point and Horseshoe Bay on the left, and Port Elliot Holiday Park on the right.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north from Fisherman Bay, with the edge of the town visible on the left, and hills in the distance.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north from Fisherman Bay towards hills, with the edge of the town of Port Elliot on the left, and the town of Middleton on the right.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view near the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards Fisherman Bay, with fields in the foreground, and the edge of the town of Middleton on the left.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards Fisherman Bay with Commodore Point on the far right, with Port Elliot Road and Bay View Road in the centre.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards the ocean, with Fisherman Bay on the left, Commodore Point in the centre, and Horseshoe Bay on the right, and fields and houses in the foreground.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards the ocean, with Horseshoe Bay in the centre, Fisherman Bay on the right, and fields in the foreground.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards the ocea, with Horseshoe Bay on the left, Waterport Road across the foreground and Tottenham Court Road through the centre.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking south towards the ocean, with Horseshoe Bay and Pullen Island on the left, Waterport Road across the foreground, and Hill Street down the centre.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north towards hills in the distance, with Ocean Road along the foreshore, Watson Gap on the left, Port Elliot Road across the centre, and Brickyard Road down the centre.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north, showing construction around Boomer Drive along the foreshore, and fields in the distance.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north-west, with the beach to the left, town oval in the centre, and tennis courts bottom right.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north-west towards the town oval.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north-west towards the town oval, with North Terrace running past the oval, and Port Elliot Road through the centre, and hills in the distance.
![Aerial view of Port Elliot.](
Aerial view of Port Elliot.
Aerial view of the town of Port Elliot, looking north-west over the town towards hills in the distance, with Waterport Road running through the centre, and Port Elliot Road leading towards the right.