Flower Day 1968 [B 74008/1-25] • Photograph

'Christ is life'.
A large crowd, mostly women, file past floral displays in Victoria Square.

Music display.
Floral arrangement of petunias featuring a music stand with musical score on it.

Display in south-eastern corner of Victoria Square near MTT buildings.
Display features a trunk, floral umbrellas and a doll who appears to be 'painting'.

Presbyterian Church of Australia display.
Circular arrangement featuring the motto 'Nec Tamen Consumebatur',the Latin motto of many Presbyterian churches throughout the world, including Australia, meaning 'And yet it was not consumed'.

Christian display.
Statues of a white child and a black child kneeling before a golden cross sourrounded by flowers with the motto 'All done in Christ'.

Christian display.
Display of hands in prayer with motto 'Thy will be done' on a carpet of purple flowers, between two small floral arrangements.

A doll in floral dress and hat being pursued by bees. Motto reads 'Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you'.

Sulphur crested cockatoos.
Framed picture featuring sulphur crested cockatoos. A crowd of women stand behind a rope to view the displays.

Light's Vision.
Painting of Light's Vision and other framed artworks in Victoria Square.

Waltzing Matilda.
Artwork in frame of tree bark.

Red and blue parrots.
Parrots in bush setting with sign alongside reading 'Country Women's Association'.

Tropical display.
Display featuring grass mats, shells, frangipani and tropical fruit.

'I wanna hold your hand'.
Two dolls in school uniform holding hands in a shelter shed.

Little Miss Muffet.
Nursery rhyme floral display.

Floral arrangement featuring dolls as Cinderella and Prince Charming.

RSPCA display.
display features a dog and a duck on a pond.

Little Bo Peep.
Little Bo Peep doll with 'sheep' and petunia arrangements.

King William Street decorations.
Looking north down King William Street from Victoria Square.

Picture of 'snow' with reindeer and sleigh in tree bark frame.

Berlin Coat of Arms prepared by Lutheran City Mission.

Dutch display.
Two girls in Dutch national costume stand alongside a Coat of Arms.

Union Jack and Australian flag between two beds of petunias.

Irish display.
Irish Coat of Arms, partially obscured, in Victoria Square.

Rose display.
Circular pond with stand of roses, possibly meant to be a waterfall.

Pampas grass and flower display.
Floral arrangement on the wall outside Government House on King William Road.